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Disagree? Then edit. And include a rationale.

Drone Tracking vs. Webbing

If a target being engaged by (non-sentry) drones is webbed, those drones will hit less often and do less damage.

Bug or Not? Not

Rationale: The rationale here is that the drones' tracking numbers were figured based on their orbit speeds and ranges. Since they're just simple, unfrozen cavemen lawyers (or robotic war machines, either one), they don't properly adjust for a target that's webbed and end up with a freakishly-high transversal for a greater part of the orbit.

Solution: Even if it's not a bug, it's a pain. If you're solo, don't web things your drones are killing. If you're in a group, don't worry about it.

Ethnic Relations

The Ethnic Relations skill has no effect beyond Level 1. Ethnic Relations I allows 100% membership of other races in a corporation.

Bug or Not? Bug

Solution: If you're honest (or smart, just in case they fix it?), you'll train Ethnic Relations to a level suitable to maintain your corporation's membership. If you're not, you'll only train it to Level 1.

Will it be fixed? Dunno. But since there's no way to query or display "non-race" members of corporations, and because there are bigger fish to fry, I'd guess not.

Tactical Shield Manipulation

Tactical Shield Manipulation IV works as intended, reducing shield "leak" when the shield is below 25%. Given the paper-esque quality of Caldari hulls, this is a good thing. However, Tactical Shield Manipulation V ends up cancelling any effects from this skill. This is a bad thing.

Bug or Not? Bug

Solution: Don't train Tactical Shield Manipulation V. Astute and ambitious readers will note one gaping, giant problem with that plan.

Will it be fixed? Dunno. People have been complaining about it for ages. There's a giant problem with saying "don't train TSMV." And yet, the bug still exists. So make your own judgement. If they fix Ethnic Relations before they fix this, there will be a riot.


Training the Interdictors skill reduces the cycle time on Interdiction Sphere Launchers. In practice, this sounds like a good thing. Until you realize that the cycle time on the Sphere Launcher is less than the expiration time on the Sphere, that NOT using autorepeat causes the module to lock out for a complete cycle, and that having multiple spheres on the same grid causes NONE of them to function. The result, you can't keep a gate bubbled 100% of the time anymore, and the problem is actually exacerbated by high levels of the Interdictors skill.

Bug or Not? Bug

Solution: Fit two Interdiction Sphere Launchers. If fitting two 100-CPU modules on a hull that typically has around 300 CPU (and that's only on the Flycatcher) sounds like your idea of fun, then, by all means, think this is an adequate workaround.

Will it be fixed? Dunno. Another glaring problem that's been completely ignored on the forum whines and petition queues. Instead, we get terrible POS Combat revisions live on SiSi.