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== THE NOODISTS ADVANCE - Initial Training==
== THE NOODISTS ADVANCE - Initial Training==
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Alex strode through the gore and grabbed Lycis by the shoulders, “You are no longer a boy, Lycis, and you ARE a dangerous sorceress Meno, we have shed evil blood together and are now brethren of war. You have defeated the vileness that is Andarial and the sisterhood can now retake the land they had lost. The passage east is now clear and trade may begin again. This is a great victory, and I am proud to have shared it with such a Paladin and Sorceress as you two.” Then, leaning close to Lycis, Alex whispered, “Now go back to camp, we will clean up here. Celebrate as is your custom, but think of taking a woman, for I sense you need one badly.” Alex cocked his head in Meno’s direction. “Put aside your religious inhibitions for this night and release the tensions within.” Alex laughed with terrible joy, as he turned and glared at Else. Lycis looked in Meno’s direction, but she had already gone. No he thought, I cannot take Alex’s advice. Instead I will leave immediately for Lut Gholein and rehabilitate myself there. I must meditate on the strength to resist the new temptations I have encountered. The caravan, back to camp, Warriv and the caravan……
Alex strode through the gore and grabbed Lycis by the shoulders, “You are no longer a boy, Lycis, and you ARE a dangerous sorceress Meno, we have shed evil blood together and are now brethren of war. You have defeated the vileness that is Andarial and the sisterhood can now retake the land they had lost. The passage east is now clear and trade may begin again. This is a great victory, and I am proud to have shared it with such a Paladin and Sorceress as you two.” Then, leaning close to Lycis, Alex whispered, “Now go back to camp, we will clean up here. Celebrate as is your custom, but think of taking a woman, for I sense you need one badly.” Alex cocked his head in Meno’s direction. “Put aside your religious inhibitions for this night and release the tensions within.” Alex laughed with terrible joy, as he turned and glared at Else. Lycis looked in Meno’s direction, but she had already gone. No he thought, I cannot take Alex’s advice. Instead I will leave immediately for Lut Gholein and rehabilitate myself there. I must meditate on the strength to resist the new temptations I have encountered. The caravan, back to camp, Warriv and the caravan……
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Revision as of 08:54, 26 November 2010

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What follows is the account of the Introduction and initial training of Lycis the Paladin and MeNoHoldThings the Sorceress. January 10, 2003.

The stockade was a strong one. The walls high and made from thick trunks of mature Ironwood. He had wondered about the numerous stumps he had encountered in the moor as he traveled east. At the gate two tall women clad in strong studded leathers and carrying great bows stopped him. “I am Lycis, a disciple of Zakarum, and warrior for the light. I have traveled far from my home in the West to offer whatever aid I can in the battle against the evil that invades these lands. I know of the band of evil-fighters that base here and I have come to join them.” He responded to their challenge. The two guards looked at one another and laughed, “You are somewhat young, small and ill-clad little brother to be proclaiming yourself ‘Warrior of the Light’ don’t you think, but you shall pass, whoever you are. You are obviously no danger to any who dwell in this camp – as you will soon see. Be careful little brother, the folks here ARE dangerous, but only to those who serve evil – and I can’t imagine evil has any use for you.” The Women laughed heartily as Lycis, his face red with anger and embarrassment, walked past them into the camp.

In the center of the camp there was a great fire, and beside the fire stood a smallish girl, younger even than he, and all alone. From across the camp, she looked lost and very afraid, as she seemed to be trying to look invisible. Lycis strode up behind her confidently to offer any aid he might, “Can I offer you some assistance” he boomed, extending his hand in friendship. She whirled on him, and even before she spoke, her mysterious beauty smote him, driving immediate desire through the barriers of his heart. The barriers he had spent most of his young life constructing, in preparation for his lifelong service to the light – they were in one look – dashed forever. Her brown hair was as silk, and her deep green eyes as penetrating as sabers, her skin soft and brown, her lightly muscled body lithe and as alluring as those that invaded his dreams each night. He had never seen such a girl – even in those haunting dreams.

“BEWARE BOY!!” She blasted back at him, “I’ll freeze you where you stand, melt your bones within your skin, or better yet, set you afire and keep you alive while you burn. Back away!! I am Meno, female mage of the Zann Esu, and I certainly need no assistance. Furthermore, BOY, the kind of assistance I might ever need, you are obviously ill-prepared to provide.”

“THAT IS QUITE ENOUGH – GIRL!” sounded a huge voice from behind them. Lycis spun around and there before him was the largest man he had ever seen. Clad in leather and fur, this man exuded strength and confidence. It was immediately obvious to Lycis that this great man must be Alex, leader of the band of warriors Lycis was searching for. At Alex’s side stood a great wolf, its body tense, but mood calm, as is usually the case with brothers of war when they are together. Lycis was sure that this great beast would spring to lethal action with but a slight motion of Alex’s hand. Standing close to Alex’s right shoulder was another huge man, clad in the same manner, and beside him, another great wolf. To the leader’s left, and beside his animal companion, was a tall, slender, but muscular young woman of menacing beauty. Her golden hair was bound tightly above her head and fell long down her spine. The scarce threads she wore did little to conceal the ample body beneath. A body, Lycis was sure, that could only be satisfied by the powerful embrace of a man like Alex. Lycis, as he looked upon this powerfully beautiful vision, knew there would be a new corrupting foe to battle in his haunting dreams. Finally, to the far left, and in an obvious flanking position was yet another figure of mysterious allure. This bronze skinned woman was small, like the young sorceress, but she was luscious. She was clad in leather and a black loincloth only, and her muchly-exposed features could tempt the desire of any man. Lycis could not determine her mood as she seemed uninterested in the proceedings – Lycis knew this was not the case and that she would be instantly as lethal as she was lovely.

“You are young, and quite a foolish sorceress, to respond in such a manner to an offer of help, regardless of the source. If you are to quest with us you must embrace your warring brethren and accept the host as offered.” Alex rebuked the young sorceress, but with a smile and kindness in his voice that could melt the heart and instill loyalty. “Ah, Lycis, I have been expecting you and have assembled these members of our faithful allegiance to help you and this lovely, but dangerous, young sorceress with your short, but intense, training.” The others laughed, but Alex smiled at Meno and she responded in kind. God she was SO beautiful. “I am Alex, I am druid and leader of our band. This is Wystral, a brother druid and master of the healing ways. This is Else, an Amazon, journeyed to us from the islands of the twin seas. Over there, is Sin, a mage-slayer. She does not talk much, but is as deadly as she is beautiful. She will save your life more than once during our battles, and you will not even know it. Now - no time for rest, we must begin at once. Time is short. Once this night of training is complete, you will have but a few days to make the journey east to Lut Gholein.” Alex was suddenly grim and powerful. “Drop the weapons you have brought, for you will find better ones in the field. You may, decide to use none at all, as it is amazingly satisfying to feel the life leave your evil foes as you throttle them with your bare hands. Here, take these Demonhide belts we have fashioned for you, they are too cumbersome for you now, but you will be able to wear them as you grow stronger, should you survive. We will begin at the stockade gates, as Hell’s corruption has once again encroached upon the moor.”

Lycis dropped the axe and shield he had carried from the west and used throughout his life’s training. They were dear to him and he felt as if he had cast off old friends. His heart was pounding as Lycis followed the group out of the gate and into the dangers of the moor. He quickly realized that Alex was right, it was deeply satisfying to kill with his hands, and he smote rat and zombie alike with a growing power and confidence as they moved deeper and deeper into the fields. His concentration and focus rose with his experience and he felt confident enough to begin using some of the defensive auras he had learned in his Paladin training. Alex and Wystral were natural leaders. Their help and advice during the battles were constant. Their confidence contagious, the party moved through the fields with ease, Hell’s corrupted minions falling before them like wheat at the harvester’s scythe. Blood Raven, Diablo’s lieutenant, fell almost instantly as the party powered her to the ground, the druid’s wolves tearing her minions apart and protecting the group as they utterly destroyed her.

The six warriors advanced through Rakanishu and his carvers and into the once tranquil Tristram, where Cain still lived, and was rescued. The death of the once beloved, good-natured Griswald, weighed heavily on the entire party as they moved into the Dark Wood, pushing on toward the Cathedral and the corrupted bastions of Andariel and her hordes of corrupted minions. Lycis felt his body as he had never felt it before. Pain and fatigue, as he had never known it, bathed his senses. In spite of this, he was joyful, the battles had all gone superbly and the entire party smiled and sang as they wreaked havoc on the abominations at the Cathedral gates. They paused at the great oak doors of the Cathedral just long enough to wash the blood from their hands and faces, and gather the strength in their hearts for the final push through the catacombs to Andariel’s lair.

Through the Cathedral doors they crashed, following Alex and Wystral and the terrible allies they had called forth to aid. The monsters scattered in their wake, but none survived as Meno caught them in a terrible spell. She had also grown. Back in town, Lycis realized she was as inexperienced in facing Hell’s corruptions as he was and that her magics were untested and weak. Now she wielded fire and ice with confident fury, a deep light of power shone from behind her beautiful green eyes, making them terrible indeed to behold. She stood majestically amidst the raging fury and cast catastrophe upon the enemy.

The party stormed through the Cathedral and into the barracks, meeting the possessed Smith and dispatching him in a blink. On to the jails, where Diablo’s children had ruled since his coming – but no more. The party met demon after demon and abomination after abomination with fury and deadly dispatch. They had become as a wave of death, washing over any and all evil that apposed them.

With the momentum of death building around them, the six brave hearts dove down the stairs to the Catacombs under the Cathedral. The blackness of Hell’s power was strong here and the six were momentarily staggered. “ON AGAINST HELL’S CORRUPTION!” urged Alex and the party took new heart and raged forward. On through the levels of the Catacombs they charged with little rest until they stood battered and bloody at the great door to Andariel’s lair. The party paused only briefly to gather their breath then threw open the doors to face Baal’s beloved, Andariel. Her minions rushed against them and were summarily smote down. Andariel rushed ahead, throwing her noxious breath on them but fell almost instantly as the party was ready and swarmed her with the power of the light. The final battle was over almost as quickly as it started. The six stood together, dazed at the swiftness of their victory. All was well. All had survived this night. Meno and Lycis had grown strong, to almost unrecognizable figures of their former selves. Neither had imagined the ferocity and utter destructiveness of the horrific battles they had just participated in.

Alex strode through the gore and grabbed Lycis by the shoulders, “You are no longer a boy, Lycis, and you ARE a dangerous sorceress Meno, we have shed evil blood together and are now brethren of war. You have defeated the vileness that is Andarial and the sisterhood can now retake the land they had lost. The passage east is now clear and trade may begin again. This is a great victory, and I am proud to have shared it with such a Paladin and Sorceress as you two.” Then, leaning close to Lycis, Alex whispered, “Now go back to camp, we will clean up here. Celebrate as is your custom, but think of taking a woman, for I sense you need one badly.” Alex cocked his head in Meno’s direction. “Put aside your religious inhibitions for this night and release the tensions within.” Alex laughed with terrible joy, as he turned and glared at Else. Lycis looked in Meno’s direction, but she had already gone. No he thought, I cannot take Alex’s advice. Instead I will leave immediately for Lut Gholein and rehabilitate myself there. I must meditate on the strength to resist the new temptations I have encountered. The caravan, back to camp, Warriv and the caravan……