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My main character in WoW is Jini, a Human Priest.


One of my characters in WoW is Dsnekr, a Rogue.

The Volvo Project

This is a project that Taco and Erikkson designed. The wiki page is here.

I am playing the DPS member of the group.

The Druid Project

The Druid project is an experiment to see how well a 5 man Druid group would do. The Druid is a very flexible class that can play all of the necessary roles in a group - Tank/healer/damage. The idea of behind each member of the group is to take the basic druid and specialize it to gain the maximum benefit. The Tank Druid would have the best defense while the Healer/Caster members would wear cloth to maximize their Int bonuses. The Backup Healer/Cat would likely carry multiple sets of equipment to adapt to the necessary circumstance.

Druid Project Tank
Druid Project Healer
Druid Project Caster
Druid Project Backup Healer
Druid Project Cat

The above builds may change a bit due to upcoming 'Druid love.' Who knows.


My history from closed/'open' beta.

Dsnekr - 27 Gnome Rogue (Test 2) 150+ Engineering, 125+ Mining
Jini - 60 Human Mage (PvP), 287+ Alch, 300 Herbalist
Jinilock - 33 Gnome Warlock (PvP), 160+ Engineering, 140+ Mining
Jiniman - 30 Orc Shaman (Beta2), 165+ Leathercrafter, 230+ Skinning
Jinibeast - 14 Elf Druid, 40+ Leathercrafter, 50+ Skinning
Jinih - 23 Elf Priest
Jinimini - 17 Dwarf Warrior, 50+ Blacksmithing, 50+ Mining