Guild Membership in Guild Wars

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Joining us to play Guild Wars, PvE and PvP modes alike, is easy!

Here's what we like our members to do, to become proper Guild Wars guild members:

  1. Before going on, ensure that you agree with our terms of fair, legit, and cooperative play. We are a community of gamers trying to show some class both inside our guild, and when meeting other guilds and individual players. We are a guild that is family friendly as well, so please try to avoid using foul language. You may read more about what we believe is good in-game etiquette here. Actually, do read that entire page to get enlightened about how things work! Note: This step is essential to comply with, as it has to do with our member standards.
  2. We then welcome you to post a message in our Hospitality Suite, introducing yourself. We would like to hear from you! It's always nice to connect a person you are playing with, with someone on the forums.
  3. Next, we would like you to post a message in our In-game Guilds forum, in the appropriate thread for the guild you wish to join. You see, The Basin has more than 100 members, and that's unfortunately the membership cap ArenaNet set for Guild Wars guilds. While frustrating, we're trying to work around this limitating by using subguilds, where all members in all guilds are members of our community and forums, but play in different guilds. Go here if you ask yourself which guild you should join.
  4. Now, after you've posted a message in a single thread of the guild you wish to join, it's mostly a waiting game for a member of The Basin's Guild Wars council to invite you to the guild you asked access to. It is really as simple as that!