Communication in Guild Wars

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Revision as of 22:11, 21 July 2005 by Jugalator (talk | contribs)
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Communication Methods

There are a number of ways The Basin use to communicate with each other in Guild Wars.

In-game Chat

The most obvious way of communicating. One may use the guild chat to speak with the specific subguild you are a member of. Unfortunately, due to a guild member cap of 100, not all Basin members are in the same guild as you. To solve this problem, we have relayers that can take a request to relay a message and forward this one to the other guilds. Our relayers are members of more than one guild; thereby allowing them to do this. If you are a member of a party to do a quest, mission, or to participate in a competitive game, you are advised to instead use the team chat in any messages that are supposed to go to your party and not to the entire subguild.

Additional information about how to use the in-game chat


(short description here)

Additional information about how to configure and use TeamSpeak


(short description here)

Additional information about how to configure and use IRC


(short description here)

Additional information about how to configure and use Xfire


TeamSpeak is currently used instead of GameComm to communicate in Guild Wars, while GameComm is being evaluated and tested.

(short description here)

Additional information about how to configure and use GameComm

Player Finding Aids

Never miss checking out, or posting in, The Meeting Place if you have trouble finding people to do what you wish to do.

There are some particular methods of interest for general player finding:

Detailing how to team up for ad hoc groups by meeting in Ascalon City International District 1.
A thread to help our Guild Wars gamers find each other. This is not the thread to sign up for guild memberships.
8 pm CET, players join in Ascalon Arena International District 1 to meet up and try doing whatever anyone showing up want to do.
An aid to help with the all to common troubles with pesky time zone conversions.