Instance Guide Summary

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Instance Summary
Instance Name Quest Levels Mob Levels Class needs Time to run Char Limit for quest credit Notes
Ragefire Chasm 9-16 10-16 Any - 5 Great instance to learn group tactics
Deadmines 15-22 18-24 Tank level 22+ - 5 The first Alliance instance
Wailing Caverns 13-22 18-24 Any - 5
ShadowFang Keep 20-27 22-27 Any - 5 Great fun with some neat encounters, Arugal can be tough for the unprepared
Blackfathom Deeps 10(18)-27 21-29 Any, Humanoid/Demon CC is useful - 5 Lots of nooks and crannies. Level 10 is extremely low to have a quest for this instance.
Stockades 16(22)-29 25-30 Any - 5 Simple and short. Level 16 is extremely low to have a quest for this instance.
Razorfen Kraul 20-34 23-34 Any, Humanoid CC is useful - 5 3 parts, each with a different difficulty
Gnomeregan 20-35 24-35 Any, Humanoid CC is useful - 5 Very long for one run. Can be split up with the acquisition of the key
Scarlet Monastery 28-42 29-42 Any, Humanoid CC is useful - 5 4 parts, each with slightly higher level mobs.
Razorfen Downs 35?-42 33-42 AoE is useful for parts - 5
Uldaman 31-47 35-47 Level 47+ tank is useful to kill final boss - 5 Difficulty scales up rapidly about 2/3 of the way through.
Zul'farrak 40-50 38-48 AoE is very useful for the Bly encounter - 5 Bring higher end toons to do it all. Bring AoE for the Bly encounter!
Maraudon 39-51 40-51 - 5 Noxxion is hard.
The Temple of Atal'Hakkar 42-55 43-55 AoE is very useful for dealing with the Dragonkin level - 5 2 parts, each with 2 sub levels. Can be a long run if you do both parts.
Dire Maul 54?-62 55-60 - 5 3 parts, I think the low end to get a quest is 54.
Blackrock Depths 48-59 48-59 Bring a tank and healing - 5 Lots of stuff to see and do, even when dead.
Stratholme 53-62 55-62 Half humanoid/half Undead - 5 Two parts, one Human, one undead.
Scholomance 52-60 57-62 Mostly Undead - 5 Many undead, a few humanoids.
Blackrock Spire 55-63 54-62 Need Humanoid CC - 5(lower)/15(upper) Two main parts, Upper and Lower. A key is required to get in the upper portion.
Onyxia's Lair - 41-62 Bring fire resists - 40
Molten Core - 59-63 Bring fire resists - 40

Key to quest level column: The lowest level is the lowest level any quest is available. The highest level is the level of the highest quest as shown in your quest log.