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Enchanting is the most advanced tradeskill. This means it will take a lot of time\money and effort to level, considerably more than another tradeskill. Enchanting adds bonuses to armor and weapons; some examples of the higher lvl bonuses are:

+7 stamina for bracers
+3 all stats for chest pieces
+5 resist all for cloaks
+4 damage for 1 handed weapons

Raising enchanting involves applying enchantments to weapon\armor pieces, using the various dusts\essences\shards for ingredients. Often a player will level the skill using their own armor, repeatedly applying enchantments to their own pieces.

The expensive part about enchanting is aquring the ingredients. There are 3 main ways to do so:

1. Disenchant every green\blue magic item you find
2. Have a second trade that makes magic items for you to disenchant - a good one is tailoring as it does not require an additional collection skill
3. Buying ingredients or items to disenchant from the auction house

As a warning it costs a lot of money to raise enchanting, and due to the fact that you have to participate in applying enchantments, its harder to sell them to try and recoup costs (i.e. you cant sell enchantments like leather patches in the AH, to sell enchantments you have to stand around and advertise which takes time away from playing).

The final trainer to reach artisan enchanting is more difficult to get to than other professions. You will need to travel to Uldaman to find the artisan trainer, an early 40's instance located in The Badlands. Best way to make a trainer run is to go in the back door, and the trainer is in the third scorpid room along the right path at the crossroads.