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A noble profession for those that like to work with their hands, Traders craft items and then sell what they craft to eager folks that need items that they make. Credits can flow into a shrewd Trader's hands if they follow the desires of the market.

Traders tend to specialize in one of four fields: Domestic Goods, Structures, Munitions, or Engineering.


  • Resource Acquisition
  • Crafting

Domestic Goods

The Trader-DomesticGoods profession consists of chefs (who make drinks & food) and tailors (who make clothing). Every chef and tailor is (automatically) also a Master Merchant.

Caveat: The information in this document was collected from many sources, including: - list (no picutres) of outfits ZenLhaso put together from various sources, some of which no longer exist; - pictures of clothing items - ignore all other information as it is out-of-date (e.g., enhancement info); (aka,; Sony SWG Forum: lots of sub-forums (


The Trader-Structures profession consists of architects (who make buildings & furniture) and shipwrights (who make ships & their assorted parts). Every architect and shipwright is (automatically) also a Master Merchant.


The Trader-Munitions profession consists of armoursmiths (who make armour) and weaponsmiths (who make bombs, guns, & knives). Every armoursmith and weaponsmith is (automatically) also a Master Merchant.


The Trader-Engineer profession consists of droidsmiths (who make droids), weaponsmiths (who make bombs, guns, & knives; it's also unclear as to whether or not the Trader-Engineer is 100% weaponsmith - he/she may only be able to make some of the weaponsmith items), and Master Artisan (components, vehicles, various miscellaneous items). Every droidsmith, weaponsmith, and Master Artisan is (automatically) also a Master Merchant.