Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj

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The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj is a 20-man raid instance located in Silithius. It ranks in difficultly and quality of rewards below Molten Core The equipment base required for this instance is as of yet undetermined.

External Guides and Maps

WoW wiki page

Class Specific Items and Quests

There are a number of quests that can be completed to recieve a class specific rare or epic items. The sets from the Ruins have three pieces for each class.

The structure of the quests is similar to Zul'Gurub requiring a combination of one Qiraji item dropped from a boss, two Idols and two sets of 5 scarabs. Epic quested items required epic Qiraji items while rare quested items require rare Qiraji items.

The boss drop items are as follows:
The Epic items are as follows:

The Rare items are as follows:

  • Qiraji Ceremonial Ring
  • Qiraji Martial Drape
  • Qiraji Magisterial Ring - Warrior, Paladin, Shaman, Mage, Druid
  • Qiraji Regal Drape - Paladin, Hunter, Shaman, Warlock, Druid

The Rare paired items are as follows:


  • Bronze
  • Ivory

General Quests



A cross between a centipede and a scorpion, this six legged freak will be the first boss you encounter in the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj.

Strategy: This boss is primarily melee with a powerful cleave attack and two special abilities.

The first of these is Mortal Wounds. Mortal Wounds is a debuff that reduces by 10% the healing a target will receive. It can stack 10 times for a total of 100% (0 healing receivable). A simple tank switch can alleviate this. As for agro retainment, there were no problems that I saw. This boss seems to like to stick to a tank.

The second ability is based on RSTS (Random Secondary Targeting System) known as Sand Trap. A mound of sand will randomly appear at any player's feet and deal massive damage in an area of effect in addition to silencing that player for 20 seconds (I was never hit by this and therefore the time could be incorrect). Simply keep the raid as spread out as possible and move away from it if you see it at your feet.


  • Vestments of the Shifting Sands - Cloth, Chest
  • Qiraji Sacrifical Dagger - Dagger, 48.2 DPS, 1.9 speed, +15 Sta, +20 AP
  • Qiraji Martial Drape - Quest item
  • Qiraji Regal Drape - Quest item
  • Sandreaver wrist guards - Mail, Wrist
  • Belt of the Inquisition - Cloth, Waist
  • Toughened Silithid Hide Gloves - Leather, hands
  • Belt of the Sand Reaver - Plate, Waist
  • Qiraji Magisterial Ring - Quest item
  • Qiraji Ceremonial Ring - Quest item

General Rajaxx

More an event than an actual boss, General Rajaxx is quite possibly the most difficult of the first three bosses encountered. After Kurinnaxx is killed, 5 NPC's will appear near its spawn point. A Lt. General Andorov (human dual wielding axes) and 4 Kaldorei Elites (night elves wielding 2h swords). In order to activate the General Rajaxx event, one merely needs to speak to Andorov. Waves of bugs must be overcome before the General shows himself. During battle, the Lt. Gen. constantly casts an Aura of Command which heals everyone in his vicinity for 200 hps/sec. and increases attack and casting speed by 10%. They are healable and druid buffs can be cast upon them. However, doing so will put you in PvP. Therefore, I recommend everyone activate their PvP toggle at this time.

Pre-General encounters and strategy: There are if I remember correctly, 7 waves of bugs. Each wave contains a "ranked" bug (Captain Drenn, Captain Qeez, Captain Tuubid, Captain Xurrem, Major Pakkon, Major Yeggeth and Colonel Zerran) which are easily recognized due to their white exoskeleton and large size and a swarm of other bugs that deal significant damage to anything they swing at. Each wave is larger than the last.

In order to take care of these waves as they arrive, I recommend that the raid take care of the "ranked" bug first (it is immune to almost every crowd control ability) and organize an AE fear rotation with the warlocks and priests for the rest of the swarm. After the "ranked" bug is killed, I suggest killing the flyers and then the rest of the wave. They will go down quite quickly due to the massive damage the NPC's deal to them. Waves come in succession and, if you want to keep the NPC's alive for the Cenarion Circle faction bonus they provide at the end of this event, you will have very little time to regenerate mana for the successive waves.

General Rajaxx Strategy: After the waves end, General Rajaxx will appear. Rajaxx is yet another powerhouse melee damage dealer with two or three special abilities.

The first is a knockback which clears the agro of anyone he does it to. He also does a yell which I am unsure is connected to the knockback or not (hence two or three above). He yells, "You are of no consequence to me, <playername>!" and then immediately attempts to move to a different target. From what I was told, Taunt does work on him and agro can therefore be regained almost immediately.

The second ability (known as Thundercrack according to Psybie), deals half a player's current total hps in damage to all in the area of effect (this means everyone, it's essentially zonewide) along with a knockback which will deal fall damage if your back is not to a wall. It is nature based so Nature Resist will probably help with this. In addition, this ability is used at set intervals starting with the first at the beginning of the fight. Approximate time in between appears to be 30 to 45 seconds.

The fight is long and you will probably lose a few people during your first few attempts. As said above, if you keep the NPC's alive (I'm sure you only need the Lt. General, but it is nice to keep them all up), they will eventually despawn and (according to WoW Wiki) give all those in the raid approximately 1000 points of Cenarion Circle reputation.


  • Boots of the Vanguard - Leather, Feet
  • Manslayer of the Qiraji - 2h Sword, 62.5 DPS, 3.6 speed, 20 Sta, 35 Str, 15 Agi
  • Qiraji Martial Drape - Quest item
  • Qiraji Regal Drape - Quest item
  • Southwind's Grasp - Leather, Waist
  • Bracers of Qiraji Command - Cloth, Wrist
  • Qiraji Magisterial Ring - Quest item
  • Legplates of Qiraji Command - Plate, Legs
  • Qiraji Ceremonial Ring - Quest item
  • Boots of the Qiraji General - Mail, Feet


Also known as the Obsidian Destroyer boss, Moam is quite possibly the easiest boss if you have the proper raid makeup. I strongly recommend bringing a minimum of two warlocks to this fight (three is ideal). If not, you will still be able to kill Moam, but you will also most likely wipe immediately afterwards.

Strategy: Moam is actually a fairly simple fight. He, like other bosses encountered previously, has two special abilities.

The first is the RSTS mana drain. There is no preventing this from happening. Do not let Moam hit full mana! It is imperative that all mana draining classes prevent him from doing so. If he does reach full mana, he will cast an Arcane Explosion (this is not what it's called, it has a different name I can't remember) that deals not only massive Arcane damage (somewhere in the 4000 to 7000 range for me) but knocks you high into the air to take fall damage as well. This will most likely wipe the raid.

The second ability is quite obvious as well as quite deadly. According to several sources, this second ability occurs approximately 90 seconds after Moam hits 50% health (this is unconfirmed). You will see the message, "Moam drains your mana and turns to stone." At this point, Moam turns into a statue and summons three elementals known as Mana Fiends. The Mana Fiends have a powerful melee attack along with an approximately 2000 hp Arcane Explosion. This is where the warlocks come in. These must be banished immediately. If they cannot be banished, they must be moved as far away from the rest of the raid as possible. They are immune to most forms of CC including Fear. Moam is still vulnerable in this form! Continue to pound away at him until his death or after a certain period of time (sources state another 90 seconds), he will reactivate and cast his Arcane Explosion which will more than likely wipe the raid. The Mana Fiends do not despawn at his death. They must be taken care of after Moam has been killed, preferably one at a time.


