EVE Online

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Revision as of 13:39, 24 February 2007 by Laughing God (talk | contribs) (Added a Guides section)
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What is EVE?

According to the official FAQ ;

EVE is a massive multiplayer online game (MMOG) set in a science-fiction based, persistent world. Players take the role of spaceship pilots seeking fame, fortune, and adventure in a huge, complex, exciting, and sometimes hostile galaxy.

What makes EVE different from other MMORPGs?

EVE is different from many other mmorpgs in structure and form. From the official Players Guide;

EVE Online is an open-ended Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG). Most other MMORPGs focus on a structured playing style with predictable outcomes and monotonous leveling. This seemingly innocent fact is why EVE is so different from almost all other MMORPGs, as the players have an incredible impact on how the game develops.

One could compare this to the difference between a playground, such as EVE, and a theme park, which would be the traditional MMOG. In a playground you have access to different kinds of toys and rides, and you are allowed to use your own imagination to figure out how to create games you enjoy. In a theme park all the rides have been created for you and are either good or bad by design. The playground clearly offers more freedom but it requires you to think and be an active participant, while the theme park has taken those responsibilities away from you and you can just go with the flow. As an interesting side-note, “theme park” style MMORPGs commonly develop lines, just like real world theme parks, as players wait for monster spawns, rare items, or quest requirements.

Players that enjoy the freedom and opportunities for creative thinking an open-ended game offers have become mesmerized by EVE, while others that depend on structured, repetitive game style have not. For this reason we don't contend that EVE is for everyone, but for those that enjoy a bit more of a challenge.

A unique aspect of EVE is that it is run on one server. In EVE you can find over 10,000 players at any given time interacting in the same persistent universe. Other MMORPGS are played on multiple servers called Shards; these have a limited number of players on each, usually between 500 and 3000.

The bottom line is that EVE is a rich and immersive universe centered on human interaction. Players can play the game as a simple space trader or endeavor to control the largest, most powerful company in the universe. We provide the rules and tools, but it is the players themselves who create the adventures.

How to get involved

If you think a career as a space pilot would be something for you, don´t hesitate to join your fellow Basiners in space. Just follow the following steps and you will soon be exploring "the final frontier".

Step 1
In order to start you will need a working copy of the game. EVE is not sold in stores so it has to be downloaded from http://www.eve-online.com. On the official site click the "Try Now" button and follow the instructions. If all goes well you should be able to activate a 14 day free trial.
Step 2
The next step is creating a your character. An EVE account has 3 character slots, but you can only use (and train skills on) one character at a time. Creating your character is a big and important step, while you can´t create a bad character you might want to check our guide to character creation to get some pointers
Step 3
When you have created your avatar you will automaticly start the ingame tutorial. It is highly recommended that you do the whole tutorial. EVE is quite a complicated game with a steep learning curve, and the tutorial can help a new pilot overcae he basic starting challenges. Upon finishing the tutorial you will also have gathered a small amount of isk, and a minor implant.
Step 4
Now would be a good time to read through the information on Basic Eve skills to get your skill training off on the right foot. If you're confused off the bat, you might want to investigate Your First 200 Hours in EVE.
Step 5
The Basiners in EVE operate a chat channel. In order to get in touch with the rest of us click the "channels and mailing lists" button at the left side of your screen. Click the "create/join" button and type "theamazonbasin". Welcome to EVE and fly safe!

The Amazon Basin Presence in Eve Online

There are several player corporations within Eve. If you are interested in joining, please contact the CEO. You can search for corporations in People & Places.

Corporation Ticker CEO Headquarters Description
Anqara Industries ANQ Cotlb Scolluzer 8 - Moon 1 - X-Sense Chemical Storage Empire space corp
Anqara Expeditions ANQ-E Jai Centarium Inghenges 5 - Moon 2 - Ishokone Corporation Factory 0.0 Deployment of Anqara Industries
Gaidhlig Technology GAEL Sile Suirghiche Ekid X - Sarum Family Logistic Support

Guides, Tips and Tricks

Once you have learned the basics it´s time to advance your training and learn the secrets of the various "mini-professions" in EVE. Whatever your choice of focus is, your fellow Basiners are here to help you get a good start.