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Revision as of 13:03, 16 August 2007 by CoonerTheRed (talk | contribs)
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Who Am I? Long time Diablo II player, short time Guild Wars player. Basiner.

That said, I've mostly stopped playing D2, with the exception of a weekly group game. I have no current ladder characters. In these kinds of games, I really enjoy planning build ideas, and can still be found tweaking barbarian and sorceress builds on The Amazon Basin D2 Forums. I'm also the senior (by which I mean less useful) moderator of the Barbarian Room. I play only hardcore PvE characters, mainly Paladins, Barbarians, Sorceresses, and Assassins.

In Guild Wars, I've found a new friend and slipped into what feels like an old family. I'm still learning the nuances of the game -- execution, observation, and anticipation are much more intense in Guild Wars, while planning and selection are less so. Lyne, Coelstan, and others forced me to try my hand at PvP, and I've had a blast doing it. At the moment, GvG has me enthralled, and I'm slowly coming to understand the tactics and skills necessary (even if my execution of those are less than spectacular). I've also been running through the various chapters, completing each one with a native toon.

Want to be my friend?

  • On Guild Wars, my main character is Morello Le Rouge.
  • On Diablo II, my main account is *CoonerTheRed2.

Select Characters

A smattering of my favorite toons...

Guild Wars

Morello Le Rouge

Elonian Dervish Morello Description

Morello Le Vert

Anja Le Rouge

And some others...

Diablo II


Grendel's Armory

