Act 1 H2H C

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Revision as of 22:30, 24 March 2009 by Brianc84 (talk | contribs)
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D2 TC Act 1 H2H C


Unique: 0 Set: 0 Rare: 0 Magic: 0
Picks: 1
Total weight: 160

Item Weight 1 in X
NoDrop 100 0.625000
gld 21 0.131250
Act 1 Equip C 16 0.100000
Act 1 Junk 21 0.131250
Act 1 Good 2 0.012500

Referencing Monsters

Monster Level
The Tower Cellar Level 5 - The Countess - corruptrogue3 11
The Tamoe Highland - corruptrogue3 8
The Pit Level 2 - corruptrogue3 8
The Pit Level 1 - corruptrogue3 8
The Outer Cloister - corruptrogue4 9
The Outer Cloister - brute3 9
The Monastery Gate - corruptrogue3 8
The Jail Level 3 - goatman5 10
The Jail Level 3 - fallen4 10
The Jail Level 2 - goatman5 10
The Jail Level 2 - fallen4 10
The Jail Level 1 - goatman5 10
The Jail Level 1 - fallen4 10
The Inner Cloister - fallen4 10
The Cathedral - fallen4 (minion) 10
The Catacombs Level 4 - fallen4 (minion) 10
The Catacombs Level 2 - fallen4 (minion) 10
The Catacombs Level 2 - arach1 11
The Catacombs Level 1 - fetish1 10
The Catacombs Level 1 - fallen4 (minion) 10
The Barracks - goatman5 10
The Barracks - corruptrogue4 9

Expanded listing

Item Probability 1 in X
NoDrop 0.6250000000 1.600000
amu 0.0012500000 800.000000
aqv 0.0164062500 60.952381
armo3 0.0027777778 360.000000
armo6 0.0083333333 120.000000
armo9 0.0194444444 51.428571
armo12 0.0027777778 360.000000
cm1 0.0006250000 1600.000000
cm2 0.0006250000 1600.000000
cm3 0.0006250000 1600.000000
cqv 0.0164062500 60.952381
gcb 0.0009375000 1066.666667
gcg 0.0009375000 1066.666667
gcr 0.0009375000 1066.666667
gcv 0.0009375000 1066.666667
gcw 0.0009375000 1066.666667
gcy 0.0009375000 1066.666667
gld 0.1312500000 7.619048
gpl 0.0050480769 198.095238
hp1 0.0262500000 38.095238
hp2 0.0087500000 114.285714
isc 0.0075721154 132.063492
jew 0.0006250000 1600.000000
key 0.0075721154 132.063492
mp1 0.0109375000 91.428571
mp2 0.0087500000 114.285714
opl 0.0050480769 198.095238
rin 0.0025000000 400.000000
rvs 0.0021875000 457.142857
skc 0.0006250000 1600.000000
tsc 0.0075721154 132.063492
vps 0.0087500000 114.285714
weap3 0.0055555556 180.000000
weap6 0.0166666667 60.000000
weap9 0.0388888889 25.714286
weap12 0.0055555556 180.000000

See also

Item Codes