Amazon attack speed

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Revision as of 13:19, 9 September 2010 by Onderduiker (talk | contribs)
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  • Find Weapon Speed Modifier of your weapon, then the table for your attack and weapon.

Increased Attack Speed only

  • Consult relevant WSM sub-column in IAS column to find target break-point.


  • Consult EIAS column to find target break-point, then apply relevant modifiers:
Required EIAS = Target EIAS - Skill EIAS - chill - Slows Target + WSM
Skill EIAS = (Fanaticism + Holy Freeze + Decrepify)

Javelin and Spear


Frames Template:EIAS IAS
20 10 0 -10
20 Template:EIAS
19 Template:EIAS 2
18 Template:EIAS 6
17 Template:EIAS 11
16 Template:EIAS 18 6
15 Template:EIAS 24 11
14 Template:EIAS 37 22 9
13 Template:EIAS 50 32 18 6
12 Template:EIAS 70 48 30 16
11 Template:EIAS 99 70 48 30
10 Template:EIAS 147 105 75 52
9 Template:EIAS 250 174 125 89

Normal Attack


Frames Template:EIAS IAS
20 10 0 -10
16 Template:EIAS
15 Template:EIAS 3
14 Template:EIAS 8
13 Template:EIAS 15 4
12 Template:EIAS 24 11
11 Template:EIAS 39 23 10
10 Template:EIAS 58 39 23 10
9 Template:EIAS 89 63 42 26
8 Template:EIAS 142 102 72 50
7 Template:EIAS 270 187 133 95


Frames Template:EIAS IAS
20 10 0 -10 -20
20 Template:EIAS
19 Template:EIAS 2
18 Template:EIAS 6
17 Template:EIAS 11
16 Template:EIAS 18 6
15 Template:EIAS 24 11
14 Template:EIAS 37 22 9
13 Template:EIAS 50 32 18 6
12 Template:EIAS 70 48 30 16 5
11 Template:EIAS 99 70 48 30 16
10 Template:EIAS 147 105 75 52 34
9 Template:EIAS 250 174 125 89 63


  • The Average Frames sub-column is the average length of each of the three attacks: each attack actually differs in length.


Frames Template:EIAS IAS
Total Avg 20 10 0 -10
36 12 0/3 Template:EIAS
35 11 2/3 Template:EIAS 3
34 11 1/3 Template:EIAS 5
33 11 0/3 Template:EIAS 6
32 10 2/3 Template:EIAS 8
31 10 1/3 Template:EIAS 10
30 10 0/3 Template:EIAS 13 2
29 9 2/3 Template:EIAS 15 4
28 9 1/3 Template:EIAS 18 6
27 9 0/3 Template:EIAS 20 8
26 8 2/3 Template:EIAS 24 11
25 8 1/3 Template:EIAS 29 15 4
24 8 0/3 Template:EIAS 32 18 6
23 7 2/3! Template:EIAS 39 23 10
22 7 1/3 Template:EIAS 46 29 15 4
21 7 0/3 Template:EIAS 52 34 19 7
20 6 2/3 Template:EIAS 63 42 26 13
19 6 1/3 Template:EIAS 72 50 32 18
18 6 0/3 Template:EIAS 86 60 40 24
17 5 2/3 Template:EIAS 109 78 54 35
16 5 1/3 Template:EIAS 133 95 68 46
15 5 0/3 Template:EIAS 174 125 89 63
14 4 2/3 Template:EIAS 232 163 117 83
13 4 1/3 Template:EIAS 345 232 163 117
12 4 0/3 Template:EIAS 600 360 240 168
11 3 2/3 Template:EIAS 2,280 780 434 280


Frames Template:EIAS IAS
Total Avg 20 10 0 -10 -20
42 14 0/3 Template:EIAS
41 13 2/3 Template:EIAS 3
40 13 1/3 Template:EIAS 4
39 13 0/3 Template:EIAS 5
38 12 2/3 Template:EIAS 7
37 12 1/3 Template:EIAS 9
36 12 0/3 Template:EIAS 10
35 11 2/3 Template:EIAS 13 2
34 11 1/3 Template:EIAS 15 4
33 11 0/3 Template:EIAS 16 5
32 10 2/3 Template:EIAS 19 7
31 10 1/3 Template:EIAS 22 9
30 10 0/3 Template:EIAS 26 13 2
29 9 2/3 Template:EIAS 29 15 4
28 9 1/3 Template:EIAS 32 18 6
27 9 0/3 Template:EIAS 39 23 10
26 8 2/3 Template:EIAS 42 26 13 2
25 8 1/3 Template:EIAS 50 32 18 6
24 8 0/3 Template:EIAS 56 37 22 9
23 7 2/3 Template:EIAS 65 44 27 14 3
22 7 1/3 Template:EIAS 75 52 34 19 7
21 7 0/3 Template:EIAS 86 60 40 24 11
20 6 2/3 Template:EIAS 105 75 52 34 19
19 6 1/3 Template:EIAS 125 89 63 42 26
18 6 0/3 Template:EIAS 152 109 78 54 35
17 5 2/3 Template:EIAS 194 138 99 70 48
16 5 1/3 Template:EIAS 259 180 129 92 65
15 5 0/3 Template:EIAS 377 250 174 125 89
14 4 2/3 Template:EIAS 600 360 240 168 120
13 4 1/3 Template:EIAS 1,680 680 395 259 180
12 4 0/3 Template:EIAS 2,760 840 456 292



Frames Template:EIAS IAS
20 10 0 -10
42 Template:EIAS
41 Template:EIAS 3
40 Template:EIAS 4
39 Template:EIAS 5
38 Template:EIAS 7
37 Template:EIAS 9
36 Template:EIAS 10
35 Template:EIAS 13 2
34 Template:EIAS 15 4
33 Template:EIAS 16 5
32 Template:EIAS 19 7
31 Template:EIAS 22 9
30 Template:EIAS 26 13 2
29 Template:EIAS 29 15 4
28 Template:EIAS 32 18 6
27 Template:EIAS 39 23 10
26 Template:EIAS 42 26 13 2
25 Template:EIAS 50 32 18 6
24 Template:EIAS 56 37 22 9
23 Template:EIAS 65 44 27 14
22 Template:EIAS 75 52 34 19
21 Template:EIAS 86 60 40 24
20 Template:EIAS 105 75 34
19 Template:EIAS 125 89 63 42
18 Template:EIAS 152 109 78 54
17 Template:EIAS 194 138 99 70
16 Template:EIAS 259 180 129 92
15 Template:EIAS 377 250 174 125
14 Template:EIAS 600 360 240 168
13 Template:EIAS 1,680 680 395 259
12 Template:EIAS 2,760 840 456


Frames Template:EIAS IAS
20 10 0 -10 -20
48 Template:EIAS
47 Template:EIAS 3
46 Template:EIAS 4
45 Template:EIAS 5
44 Template:EIAS 6
43 Template:EIAS 7
42 Template:EIAS 9
41 Template:EIAS 10
40 Template:EIAS 13 2
39 Template:EIAS 14 3
38 Template:EIAS 16 5
37 Template:EIAS 19 7
36 Template:EIAS 20 8
35 Template:EIAS 23 10
34 Template:EIAS 26 13 2
33 Template:EIAS 30 16 5
32 Template:EIAS 32 18 6
31 Template:EIAS 37 22 9
30 Template:EIAS 42 26 13 2
29 Template:EIAS 46 29 15 4
28 Template:EIAS 52 34 19 7
27 Template:EIAS 60 40 11
26 Template:EIAS 68 46 29 15 4
25 Template:EIAS 78 54 35 20 8
24 Template:EIAS 86 60 40 24 11
23 Template:EIAS 102 72 50 32 18
22 Template:EIAS 120 86 60 40 24
21 Template:EIAS 142 102 72 50 32
20 Template:EIAS 174 125 89 63 42
19 Template:EIAS 215 152 109 78 54
18 Template:EIAS 280 194 138 99 70
17 Template:EIAS 395 259 180 129 92
16 Template:EIAS 600 360 240 168 120
15 Template:EIAS 1,480 638 377 250 174
14 Template:EIAS 1,680 680 395 259


  • Against a single target, one attack the same length as Normal Attack is executed.
  • Against two targets, two attacks whose combined length is the sum of the First and Last Frame sub-columns are executed.
  • Against 3-12 targets, the lengths of additional attacks are in the Follow-up Frame sub-column, from left to right.


Frames/Attack Template:EIAS IAS
First Follow-up Last 20 10 0 -10
9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 15 Template:EIAS
14 Template:EIAS 2
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 13 Template:EIAS 7
8 Template:EIAS 9
12 Template:EIAS 15 4
7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 11 Template:EIAS 24 11
10 Template:EIAS 40 24 11
Template:EIAS 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Template:EIAS 50 32 18 6
6 6 Template:EIAS 6 Template:EIAS 6 Template:EIAS 6 Template:EIAS 6 Template:EIAS Template:EIAS 54 35 20 8
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 9 Template:EIAS 63 42 26 13
Template:EIAS 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 Template:EIAS 99 70 48 30
5 5 Template:EIAS 5 Template:EIAS 5 Template:EIAS 5 Template:EIAS 5 Template:EIAS Template:EIAS 125 89 63 42
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 Template:EIAS 168 120 86 60
6 Template:EIAS 250 174 125 89
Template:EIAS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 Template:EIAS 317 215 152 109
6 Template:EIAS 395 259 180 129
4 4 Template:EIAS 4 Template:EIAS 4 Template:EIAS 4 Template:EIAS 4 Template:EIAS Template:EIAS 456 292 200 142


Frames/Attack Template:EIAS IAS
First Follow-up Last 20 10 0 -10 -20
12 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 17 Template:EIAS
11 16 Template:EIAS 4
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 15 Template:EIAS 9
10 Template:EIAS 13 2
14 Template:EIAS 16 5
9 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 13 Template:EIAS 24 11
12 Template:EIAS 37 22 9
8 Template:EIAS 46 29 15 4
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 11 Template:EIAS 54 35 20 8
10 Template:EIAS 80 56 37 22 9
7 Template:EIAS 83 58 39 23 10
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 9 Template:EIAS 125 89 63 42 26
6 Template:EIAS 168 120 86 60 40
8 Template:EIAS 208 147 105 75 52
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 Template:EIAS 456 292 200 142 102

Bow and Crossbow

Normal Attack


Frames Template:EIAS IAS
Total Action 10 5 0 -10
15 7 Template:EIAS
14 Template:EIAS 5
13 6 Template:EIAS 11 6
12 Template:EIAS 22 15 9
11 Template:EIAS 35 27 20 8
5 Template:EIAS 42 34 26 13
10 Template:EIAS 56 46 37 22
9 Template:EIAS 89 75 63 42
4 Template:EIAS 120 102 86 60
8 Template:EIAS 147 125 105 75
7 Template:EIAS 292 240 200 142


Frames Template:EIAS IAS
Total Action 10 0 -10 -40 -60
22 11 Template:EIAS
10 Template:EIAS 2
21 Template:EIAS 3
20 Template:EIAS 7
19 9 Template:EIAS 11
18 Template:EIAS 19 7
17 Template:EIAS 27 14 3
8 Template:EIAS 29 15 4
16 Template:EIAS 37 22 9
15 Template:EIAS 50 32 18
7 Template:EIAS 58 39 23
14 Template:EIAS 70 48 30
13 Template:EIAS 95 68 46 4
6 Template:EIAS 120 86 60 11
12 Template:EIAS 138 99 70 16
11 Template:EIAS 215 152 109 35 8


  • Always fires a volley of at least two missile attacks, whose combined length is the sum of the First and Last Frame sub-columns.
  • Lengths added by further missile attacks are in the Follow-up Frame sub-column, from left to right.


Frames/Attack Template:EIAS IAS
First Follow-up Last 10 5 0 -10
7 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 12 Template:EIAS
11 Template:EIAS 3
6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 Template:EIAS 11 6
9 Template:EIAS 26 19 13 2
5 Template:EIAS 42 34 26 13
8 Template:EIAS 46 37 29 15
7 Template:EIAS 80 68 56 37
4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Template:EIAS 120 102 86 60
6 Template:EIAS 157 133 113 80

  • 50 and 58 EIAS breakpoints only apply to the displayed animation for follow-up attacks: they actually continue to be 3 frames apart, and this interval is never reduced to 2 frames. When Strafe is fired continuously, the next volley begins when the animation of the previous one finishes, which reduces the number of actual attacks per volley but may sometimes increase the number of actual attacks over time, resulting in a faster attack rate. [2]


Frames/Attack Template:EIAS IAS
First Follow-up Last 10 0 -10 -40 -60
11 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 17 Template:EIAS
10 Template:EIAS 2
16 Template:EIAS 6
9 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 Template:EIAS 11
14 Template:EIAS 22 9
Template:EIAS 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Template:EIAS 27 14 3
8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Template:EIAS 29 15 4
13 Template:EIAS 32 18 6
5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 Template:EIAS 42 26 13
12 Template:EIAS 48 30 16
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 11 Template:EIAS 50 32 18
7 12 Template:EIAS 58 39 23
11 Template:EIAS 70 48 30
Template:EIAS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Template:EIAS 95 68 46 4
10 Template:EIAS 105 75 52 7
6 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 Template:EIAS 120 86 60 11
9 Template:EIAS 174 125 89 26 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 Template:EIAS 215 152 109 35 8

  • >49 EIAS breakpoints only apply to the displayed animation for follow-up attacks: they actually continue to be 4 frames apart, and this interval is never reduced to 3 frames. When Strafe is fired continuously, the next volley begins when the animation of the previous one finishes, which reduces the number of actual attacks per volley but may sometimes increase the number of actual attacks over time, resulting in a faster attack rate. There are other breakpoints which only apply to the displayed animation rather than actual attacks as well. [3]
