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Night Elf Priest, level 60
Player: Soraia
Server: Stormrage
Current build

Current Gear

You can see the current various gear sets for Astraea at her CTProfile.

Alchemy Formulas

To be populated later

Faction Reputation

Darnassus Revered
Gnomeregan Exiles Honored
Ironforge Honored
Stormwind Honored
Steamwheedle Cartel
Booty Bay Friendly
Everlook Friendly
Gadgetzan Friendly
Ratchet Friendly
Other Factions
Argent Dawn Honored
Cenarion Circle Friendly
Hydraxian Waterlords Honored
Thorium Brotherhood Neutral
Timbermaw Furbolgs Unfriendly
Wildhammer Clan Neutral
Zandalar Tribe Honored


Materials for +Healing Weapon Enchant

Ace has the formula for this. Phaedra can supply the other enchanting bits so just the essences are the issue.

Type Have Need
Essence of Water 0 6
Living Essence 0 6
Righteous Orb 1 1


Astraea's primary role is group/raid healer. She retains Mind Flay so that she can solo content as necessary. Her spec previous spec was 31/9/11. Hiwever, as a result of preferring not to abandon Mind Flay for soloing, she cannot spec for Subtlety in the Holy tree. To make up for this issue for aggro-sensitive fights, e.g. the first part of the Razorgore encounter in Blackwing Lair, her points in Holy went to Shadow to pick up Improved Psychic Scream and Improved Fade. Thus far, there buikd has worked well and her life expectancy has definitely improved in the Razorgore encounter.

I originally started playing Astraea because I wanted to experience the content on the Night Elf-side of the world. A priest seemed like a good change from a mage. After Orb of Mistmantle dropped in Gnomeregan for Phaedra, the drive came to level up Astraea so she could use it. By this time, it was decided that Astraea would be a better companion for Sirrion (a rogue) and Sevanna (a mage) than Phaedra.

Astraea is named after a Greek goddess, her name meaning "star-maiden" in Greek.