Guy Fawkes Day

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Revision as of 13:31, 6 December 2007 by Riverbrady (talk | contribs)
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Run Date: November 5 – November 11, 2007. Themed content for subscribers only [1].

Nemo ~ Master of Festivities
Everyone's favorite profane master of themed events has moved to Templar Base and has several surprises for adventurous souls.
Guy Fawkes Quests
There are bigger Demons out there, and perhaps they're being drawn to the flames that erupt on Bonfire Night. Track down a series of named monstrosities and explore new areas as you seek to keep these explosive horrors at bay.
Bonfire Nightmares
Increased Demonic activity and the explosive nature of the times have made parts of the city even more fiery than usual. Keep an eye out for these rare locations.
What would this celebration be without explosions? Lots of explosions... So many, in fact, that everyone can get in on the fun of hurling the Marksman's staple – Grenades. Now, imagine what else you could do with them.
Guy Fawkes Recipes
Making things is a big part of remembering Guy Fawkes for the survivors of London's fall. The ingenuity of Guy Fawkes is represented in the numerous recipes and schematics that crop up during this themed timeframe.
Guy Fawkes Treats
Bonfire Toffee, Toffee Apples, Baked Potatoes – all of the expected foodstuffs (and more) to keep winter's chill at bay and bolster characters with a wide variety of beneficial boosts.
Fawkes' Flameguards
Handling explosives can be tricky, so you'll want to make sure to find the right pair of gloves to keep your hands safe and sound.
The Legacy of Guy Fawkes
The Techsmiths have been busier than usual, so you'll never know when gear might drop that is thematically bound to the festivities.