Hillsbrad Foothills

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This is a contested zone with both Alliance and Horde Cities. This is one of the front lines of the War. It has a substantial Alliance prescence with hillsbrad farms, Dalaran, Dun Garok and Soutshore. Horde have their base in Tarren Mill. The syndicate also claim some of this area as their own.

Key Facts

Level range: 20-35

Instances in this zone: None

Connects to zones: Alterac Mountains, Silverpine Forest, Arathi Highlands

Horde flight path: Tarren Mill

Alliance flight path: Southshore

Bank: None

Zone Guide

Good Camps: The various hillsbrad people can be solo AoEd by a mage that has a few levels advantage on them as they are almost all melee without any dangerous special attacks.


  • Liferoot on the river
  • Copper, Tin and Silver in the hills
  • Iron, Gold, Mithril and Truesilver in the Yeti Cave

Key Quests in this zone: Lots of horde quests to actively attack the alliance at their bases in Hillsbrad.

Silver Mob Creepthess