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General guides

PvP Class Guide
Maps and Cartography Links

Instance guides

First off why go to an instance at all? They are much more difficult than other areas of the game and you have much more risk than soloing. Pretty much they are just for loot and quests that give you loot.

Another point of view is that instances are the best place to experience group play. It can be very very fun to have a good group humming through an instance exploring and experiencing the adventure.

The level ranges associated with the instance are the level ranges of the elite mobs found inside from lowest to highest. This is why Onyxia is listed as 41-62. There are actually level 41 elites in there, at least according to Thottbot. --Jini

Ragefire Chasm (10-16) Gnomeregan (24-35) Blackrock Depths (48-59)
Deadmines (18-24) Scarlet Monastery (29-42) Stratholme (55-62)
Wailing Caverns (18-24) Razorfen Downs (33-42) Sholomance (57-62)
ShadowFang Keep (22-27) Uldaman (35-47) Blackrock Spire (54-62)
Blackfathom Deeps (25-30) Zul'farrak (38-48) Onyxia's Lair (41-62)
Stockades (25-30) Maraudon (40-51) Molten Core (59-63)
Razorfen Kraul (23-34) The Temple of Atal'Hakkar (43-55)

Zone Reference

What's in the various zones? How do I get there? What should I look for once I arrive? So where's that darn flight path guy, anyway?

Eastern Kingdoms

Alterac Mountains 30 to 40 + Dun Morogh 1 to 10 + Redridge Mountains 15 to 25 + The Undercity 1 +
Arathi Highlands 30 to 40 + Duskwood 20 to 30 + Searing Gorge 40 to 50 + Tirisfal Glades 1 to 10 +
Badlands 30 to 45+ Eastern Plaguelands 55 to 60 + Silverpine Forest 10 to 20 + Western Plaguelands 55 to 60 +
Blackrock Mountain 50 to 60 + Elwynn Forest 1 to 10 + Stormwind 1 + Westfall 10 to 20 +
Blasted Lands 40 to 55+ Hillsbrad Foothills 20 to 35 + Stranglethorn Vale 35 to 45 + Wetlands 15 to 25 +
Burning Steppes 50 to 60 + Ironforge 1 + Swamp of Sorrows 35 to 45 +
Deadwind Pass 55 to 60 + Loch Modan 10 to 20 + The Hinterlands 40 to 50 +


Ashenvale 15 to 30 + Durotar 1 to 10 + Mulgore 1 to 10 + The Barrens 10 to 30 +
Azshara 50 to 60 + Dustwallow Marsh 35 to 45 + Orgrimmar 1 + Thousand Needles 25 to 35 +
Darkshore 10 to 20 + Felwood 50 to 60 + Stonetalon Mountains 20 to 30 + Thunder Bluff 1 +
Darnassas 1 + Feralas 40 to 50 + Tanaris 40 to 50 + Un'Goro Crater 45 to 55 +
Desolace 30 to 40 + Moonglade 50 to 60 + Teldrassil 1 to 10 + Winterspring 50 to 60 +




Night Elves


Primary Collection Secondary
Alchemy Herbalism Cooking
Blacksmithing Mining Fishing
Enchanting Skinning FirstAid

Beta Market Prices

Basin guild information

Basin Members' Tradeskills on Stormrage (Normal)
Basin Members' Tradeskills on Tichondrius (PvP)

Malph's Guild Data