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Maraudon is a mid level 40s instance located in west central Desolace. The entrance is in ...


Alliance quests

39 (42) Shadowshard Fragments - This quest is obtained from Archmage Tervosh in Dustwallow Marsh.

41? (47) Twisted Evils - This quest is obtained from Willow in north central Desolace in a goblin hut (/tloc 62, 40). The required Theradric Crystal Carvings frequently drop off of creatures in the instance and less frequently outside the instance. The rewards are one of Acumen Robes, 20 Int Cloth, Sprightring Helm, 15 Agi 10 Sta Leather, Relentless Chain, 10 sta 10 Int +20 Atk Power Mail chest, Hulkstone Pauldrons, 13 Sta 5 Str plate shoulders.

44? (49) Legends of Maraudon - This quest is obtained from Cavindra in the orange part of the pre-instance just before the orange crystal pool. The goal of this quest is to slay two mini bosses, Noxxion in the orange instance and Lord Vyletongue in the purple instance. This quest probably leads to The Scepter of Celebras quest.

44? (49?) The Scepter of Celebras -

46? (51) Corruption of Earth and Seed - This quest is obtained from Keeper Marandis in Nijel's Point in Desolace. This is a quest to slay the main boss in Maraudon. The rewards are Resurgance Rod, 8 Mana/5 seconds regen, Verdant Keeper's Aim, 28.2 DPS +1-4 nature dmg bow, and the Thrash Blade, one hand sword that procs a second attack.

Horde quests

42 Shadowshard Fragments Horde Maraudon Uthel'nay <Mage Trainer> Orgrimmar or 350-3450 XP

41? (47) Twisted Evils - This quest is obtained from Willow in north central Desolace in a goblin hut (/tloc 62, 40). The required Theradric Crystal Carvings frequently drop off of creatures in the instance and less frequently outside the instance. The rewards are one of Acumen Robes, 20 Int Cloth, Sprightring Helm, 15 Agi 10 Sta Leather, Relentless Chain, 10 sta 10 Int +20 Atk Power Mail chest, Hulkstone Pauldrons, 13 Sta 5 Str plate shoulders.

49 Legends of Maraudon Horde and Alliance Maraudon Cavindra Desolace 340-3400 XP

51 Corruption of Earth and Seed Horde Maraudon Selendra Desolace

Boss List

Lord Vyletongue - 47 Elite

Noxxion - 48 Elite

Celebras the Cursed - 49 Elite

Princess Theradras - 51 Elite

Item List







