Shaman Class Lead Info

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Revision as of 05:38, 29 January 2006 by Grimthor (talk | contribs)
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I am going to try to put this together partially for my own reference (and anynore else who want to use it) and to discuss what we want the shaman class leads doing.


1-2 people to purge the Mind Contol
Assign the rest of the shaman to the two offtanks. (Give each person a specific tank)


1 person ooc ressing (Possibly 2 depending on the strength of the raid)
1 person to watch the hunters, preferably in the same group as the hunters
Everyone else spot healing the dps.


1-2 people ooc ressing (depends on the strength of the raid). We may want to consider reducing this to 0 on the main raids soon as the last couple of weeks only 1-2 people have died each time.
Assign the rest of the shaman to the two offtanks. (Give each person a specific tank)


1 person ooc ressing
Group lead will do healing assignments.


2 people ooc ressing, 1 melee, 1 casters
Note - I usually try to put people who are on their first raid ooc on this one.


2 people ooc ressing
1 person purging

Fun Packs

1 person ooc ressing


Group lead will assign heal targets.
No ooc needed.


Assign everyone to one of the two offtanks. (Give each person a specific tank)
1 person to stay ooc at the start and res anyone who dies on the pull, no one should die after that so they can start healing then.


1 person ooc ressing
Group lead will assign heal targets.


Group lead will assign heal targets.


Group lead will assign roles.


Assign totem positions.


Nothing really.

Mana Tide Shaman



-Try to get assignments worked out on the trash leading up to the boss and relay that information to the raid leaders as soon as possible.
-Try to have different people ooc ressing on each fight.
-I usually ask for volunteers for the various roles before assigning them. Some people have things they prefer to do on each fight (Mooncalf ooc ressing Domo for instance)
-Always get confirmation from people that they know what they are doing for that fight. Less chance for mistakes.
-If there are new people on the raid make sure they know whats going on before the fight.
-When assigning healers to targets try to get a feel for the healing power of people and balance the assignements somewhat. <Avoid putting two people in full epics on one tank and two people on their first raid on the other.
-Shaman class lead should also be responsible for calling out "reset your totems" when we move past an area that might re-populate with mobs again before the totems expire.