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Optional Quest

Quest giver: Broker
Station: Mark Lane Station
Previous quest: Proximus
Next quest: Secundum

Experience: 3450
Palladium: 237
Standing: +50 with Templar Base
Other: 1 Stat Point
Unidentified Enhanced Leg Armor

Travel to Blackfriars
  • Take 10 Demon Souls from Fallen Fellbores
  • Speak with the Broker


  • Travel to Blackfriars
  • Take 10 Demon Souls from Fallen Fellbores
  • Speak with the Broker


  • Experience: 3450
  • Palladium: 237
  • Standing: +50 Standing with the people of Templar Base
  • Stat Point: 1
  • Item: Unidentified Enhanced Leg Armor


Broker: Truth comes harder than lies, for lies protect where Truth exposes.
Broker: Truth is easier kept than a lie, for a lie has many versions, while Truth is...obvious.
Broker: Truth is then for the lazy and obtuse who value hardship and the blunt works of rocks.
Broker: While lies -- oh, lies! -- define the living.
Broker: In the heart of a lie hides the soul, for a lie is naught but layer upon layer of imaginings created and crafted and spoken in a single breath. Governed by instinct, itself ruled by the soul.
Broker: Take their lies and you shall own their souls.
Broker: But question their souls and what can you learn but lies?
Broker: Go.
Broker: Go.
Broker: I covet Demon Souls from Fallen Fellbores in Blackfriar's.
Broker: Or do I fib?

  • Take 10 Demon Souls from Fallen Fellbores
  • Speak with the Broker

Broker: Beautiful death. The one guaranteed consequence of life. The one thing we all must do.