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Guild Wars character list

Name Class Lvl Tyria Cantha Elona Other Titles
Zenza Vashaan N /* 20 Protector Protector Protector Tyrian Cart. (80%), Canthan Cart. (60%), Sunspear (6), Lightbringer (2)
Kilitania Vashaan W /* 20 Protector Protector Protector Tyrian Cart. (70%), Canthan Cart. (70%), Sunspear (8), Lightbringer (2)
Viper of the Basin Me /* 20 Protector Protector Gate of Desolation Tyrian Cart. (80%), Canthan Cart. (60%), Sunspear (7), Lightbringer (1)
Ill V I P E R Ill R /* 20 Protector Protector Protector Canthan Cartographer (100%), Sunspear (6), Lightbringer (2)
Narooma Vashaan Rt /R 20 Lion's Arch The Marketplace Rilohn Refuge Sunspear (7)
Legendary Vashaan A /W 20 The Amnoon Oasis The Marketplace Consulate Docks Survivor (1)
Celena Vashaan E /Me 20 Ascalon, Lion's Arch Cavalon, House Zu Heltzer Dzagonur Bastion Sunspear (6)
M E L O N N I D /* 20 Protector Protector Protector Elonian Cart. (100%), Sunspear(8), Lightbringer (2)
Aethea Vashaan P 18 -- -- Sunspear Sanctuary --
Kalli Vashaan Mo /W 13 The Frost Gate -- -- --

Account titles

Title track Level Actual title How far to the next level
Hero 7 Subjugating Hero 730 Fame
Gladiator 3 Mighty Gladiator 53 Points
Unlucky 4 Tragic ~50,000 Losses
Lucky 2 Lucky 135 Tickets

Character descriptions

Zenza Vashaan To the left is Zenza Vashaan in her Fissure armor.

Zenza was the first born after the 'cataclysm' from the beta years. Favorite builds: SV, SS, Reaper's Mark, and MM.

(Her name was truly original to fit her dark and mysterious personality)

Current locations
Tyria Cantha Elona Eye of the North
-Completed- -Completed- -Completed- N/A
Title track Level Actual title Needed for Next Lvl
Protector of Tyria 1 Protector of Tyria maxed
Protector of Cantha 1 Protector of Cantha maxed
Protector of Elona 1 Protector of Elona maxed
Tyrian Explorer 80% Tyrian Grandmaster Trailblazer 18.2%
Canthan Explorer 60% Canthan Grandmaster Explorer 39.1%
Sunspear 8 Sunspear Commander 156
Lightbringer 2 Adept Lightbringer 674

Kilitania Vashaan To the left is Kilitania Vashaan in her freshly painted Istania Armor.

Kilitania was the second born after the 'cataclysm' from the beta years. She holds the Serpent Axe close, resembling the VipeR. Favorite builds: Anything with an Axe on her side, though she does find the hammer intriguing, but has a love for the Fellblade.

(Her name was truly original to fit her dark and mysterious personality)

Current locations
Tyria Cantha Elona Eye of the North
-Completed- -Completed- -Completed- N/A
Title track Level Actual title Needed for Next Lvl
Protector of Tyria 1 Protector of Tyria maxed
Protector of Cantha 1 Protector of Cantha maxed
Protector of Elona 1 Protector of Elona maxed
Tyrian Explorer 70% Tyrian Pathfinder 21.6%
Canthan Explorer 70% Canthan Pathfinder 27.1%
Sunspear 8 Sunspear Castellion ?
Lightbringer 2 Adept Lightbringer ?