Wailing Caverns

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The Wailing Caverns is a level 15-24 instance located in The Barrens just southwest of the Crossroads. The recommended character level for doing this instance is 18-24. This will prove to be a challenging and rewarding experience for new folks just starting out.

== Quests == Here is a list of all Wailing Caverns related quests. Some of these quests have very good item rewards. The experience gained from completing all the quests is significant for characters up to their mid-20s.

Two quests are obtained in a cave just above the entrance to the instance:

Deviate Hides - Slick Deviate Hide leggings and Deviate Hide Pack (10 slots) are the rewards that can be selected.

Deviate Eradication - Possible quest rewards are mail gloves, wand, or leathercrafting pattern for a belt.

The cave above the entrance also has a leathercrafting vendor who sells two other deviate hide patterns. The three deviate hide recipes require deviate hides that are obtained in the instance and the pre-instance areas in the cave.

Two quests are obtainable in Ratchet. As such, either Alliance or Horde may perform them. The rewards are XP and coin only.

Smart Drinks

Trouble at the Docks

Two quests are obtained in Thunder Bluff.

Serpentbloom The rewards for this are either cloth gloves or boots.

Leaders of the Fang - The rewards to which are a blue staff or a blue sword. Very nice for casters or warrior/rogues. This quest is the third of a three part series.

Instance Bosses

Deviate Fire Dragon - Drops a very nice 20.3 DPS wand

Trigore the Lasher



Lord Cobrahn

Lord Serpentis

Lord Pythas

Verdan the Everliving

Mutanus the Devourer