Wailing Caverns

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The Wailing Caverns is a level 15-24 instance located in The Barrens just southwest of the Crossroads. The recommended character level for doing this instance is 18-24 but a lower level group can do fine fighting the monsters outside of the instance. This will prove to be a challenging and rewarding experience for new folks just starting out.


Here is a list of all Wailing Caverns related quests. Some of these quests have very good item rewards. The experience gained from completing all the quests is significant for characters up to their mid-20s.

Wailing Caverns Two quests are obtained in a cave just above the cave to wailing caverns, it can be tricky to make the jump to get inside. The cave above the entrance also has a leathercrafting vendor who sells two other deviate hide patterns. The three deviate hide recipes require deviate hides that are obtained in the instance and the pre-instance areas in the cave.

Deviate Hides
Rewards: Slick Deviate Leggings or Deviate Hide Pack (10 slot)
Deviate Hides drop off just about any monster with Deviate in the name, it is usually easiest and fastest to do this on mobs outside of the instance in a small group (2-3).

Deviate Eradication Rewards: Dagmire Gauntlets or Sizzle Stick or Pattern: Deviate Scale Belt
The monsters for this quest are all inside the instance, unless you skip some monsters you shouldn't have any problem finishing this on one complete run.

Ratchet Either Alliance or Horde may take these quests. The rewards are XP and coin only.

Smart Drinks
These drop from any of the slimes you see inside or outside the instance. While doing some of the other outside the instance quests you will proboably finish this as well.

Trouble at the Docks
Mad Magglish is a stealthed goblin that patrols the cave outside of the instance. A few spots you can usually find him are:
In an alcove to the right shortly after entering the cave
After the shallow water section where you can go 3 ways, either down the left or right path
Also he could be walking between either of these locations or dead and waiting to respawn.

Thunder Bluff

Rewards: Apothecary Boots or Apothecary Gloves

Leaders of the Fang Rewards: Crescent Staff or Wingblade
This quest is a part of a quest line which begins having you explore the Oasis of the barrens and eventually sends you off to thunderbluff for this quest. It requires you to kill 4 of the major boss monsters in the zone.

There is one quest that begins from the last boss of the zone as well.
The Glowing Shard
Rewards: Talbar Mantle or Quagmire Galoshes


Bosses are listed in the order you will proboably encounter them. Drops are listed from most common to least common.

Lady Anacondra
Rigid Shoulderpads
Snakeskin Bag (10 slots)
Belt of the Fang

Lord Cobrahn
Robe of the Moccasin
Cobrahn's Grasp
Leggings of the Fang

Worn Turtle Shell Shield
Kresh's Back

Lord Pythas
Armor of the Fang
Stinging Viper

Tail Spike
Glowing Lizardscale Cloak

Lord Serpentis
Savage Trodders
Serpent Gloves
Footpads of the Fang

Verdan the Everliving
Living Root
Seedcloud Buckler
Sporid Cape

Mutanus the Devourer
Deep Fathom Ring
Slime-encrusted Pads
Mutant Scale Breastplate

Rare Spawn Monsters

Brambleweed Leggings
Boahn's Fang

Deviate Faerie Dragon

Trigore the Lasher
Serpent's Kiss