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Westfall is a Alliance zone on the Eastern Continent.

Key Facts

Level range: 10-20

Instances in this zone: Deadmines

Connects to zones: Elwynn Forest, Duskwood, Stranglethorn Vale

Horde flight path: None.

Alliance flight path: Located slightly south-east of the tower on Sentinel Hill.

Bank: None

Zone Guide

This zone is a key destination for an Alliance character as it is the home of the Deadmines. The Deadmines is the first instance generally available to an Alliance character.

Good Camps:


Key Quests in this zone: Plenty. There are three main sources of quests in this zone. Two homeless NPCs near the bridge from Elwynn Forest, the NPCs on Sentinel Hill, and a ghost captain next to the lighthouse off the southwest coast on an island. The Defias Brotherhood quest line is a key questline to do for any class using a staff, leather, or mail.