World of Warcraft

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Revision as of 00:48, 29 December 2007 by Riverbrady (talk | contribs) (changed around basin groups)
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Welcome to the Unofficial World of Warcraft Basin Wiki. Curious about what this is? How to use it? Then check out the WikiFAQ

Basin Guild Information

Stormrage (Normal - Alliance)

Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Engineering, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, Tailoring

Basin Groups

Basin Quick Runs
Alternate Thursdays
Volvo Project

Tichondrius (PVP - Horde)

Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Engineering, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, Tailoring

Basin Groups

Tales of the Horde

General guides

Newbie Guide
PvP Class Guide
Technical Formulas
Maps and Cartography Links
WoW Glossary
Non-Combat Pets
Horde Quick Cooking Skillup Guide
Darkmoon Faire
Silithus Summoning
Fire Festival Locations

Raiding guides

Calendar Guide
WoW Raid Signups
Guide to leading raids
First time Instance and Raid Help
Tichondrius BRP System
Stormrage BRP System
Onyxia's Lair

Instance guides

First off why go to an instance at all? Instances are much more difficult than soloing and are the best place to experience group play. It can be very very fun to have a good group humming through an instance exploring and experiencing the adventure. There is also the loot of course.

A short guide to the instances can be found in the Instance Guide Summary.

The level ranges associated with the instance are the level ranges of the elite mobs found inside from lowest to highest. Beware, Thottbot is wrong, often. I've updated the list to include Tiers of gear and may switch the level ranges to iLvls of gear dropped for the other instances. --Jini

Ragefire Chasm (10-16) Scarlet Monastery (29-42) Stratholme (iLvl 57-65) Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ40) Tier 2.5 (iLvl 71-88)
Deadmines (18-24) Razorfen Downs (iLvl 38-44) Scholomance (iLvl 55-65) Naxxramas Tier 3
Wailing Caverns (18-24) Uldaman (35-47) Blackrock Spire (54-62)
ShadowFang Keep (iLvl 21-29) Zul'farrak (38-48) Zul'Gurub (iLvl 65-71)
Blackfathom Deeps (iLvl 27-36) Maraudon (40-51) Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ20) (60-63)
Stockades (25-30) The Temple of Atal'Hakkar aka Sunken Temple(43-55) Onyxia's Lair Tier 2 (iLvl 71-76)
Razorfen Kraul (23-34) Blackrock Depths (iLvl 52-61) Molten Core Tier 1
Gnomeregan (24-35) Dire Maul (iLvl 56-63) Blackwing Lair Tier 2


Warsong Gulch (20-60) Alterac Valley (51-60) Arathi Basin (20-60)

Note that Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin instances are split by level. The breakup is: 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60. Warsong is also available for levels 10-19.

Zone Reference

What's in the various zones? How do I get there? What should I look for once I arrive? So where's that darn flight path guy, anyway?

Eastern Kingdoms

Alterac Mountains (30-40) Arathi Highlands (30-40) Dun Morogh (1-10) Duskwood (20-30)
Blackrock Mountain (50-60) Blasted Lands (40-55) Burning Steppes (50-60) Badlands (30-45)
Deadwind Pass (55-60) Eastern Plaguelands (55-60) Elwynn Forest (1-10) Hillsbrad Foothills (20-35)
The Hinterlands (40-50) Ironforge (Alliance city) Loch Modan (10-20) Redridge Mountains (15-25)
Searing Gorge (40-50) Silverpine Forest (10-20) Stormwind (Alliance city) Stranglethorn Vale (35-45)
Swamp of Sorrows (35-45) Tirisfal Glades (1-10) Western Plaguelands (55-60) Westfall (10-20)
Wetlands (15-25) The Undercity (Horde city)


Ashenvale (15-30) Azshara (50-60) The Barrens (10-30) Darkshore (10-20)
Darnassus (Alliance city) Desolace (30-40) Durotar (1-10) Dustwallow Marsh (35-45)
Felwood (50-60) Feralas (40-50) Orgrimmar (Horde city) Tanaris (40-50)
Thousand Needles (25-35) Moonglade (50-60) Mulgore (1-10) Stonetalon Mountains (20-30)
Teldrassil (1-10) Thunder Bluff (Horde city) Un'Goro Crater (45-55) Winterspring (50-60)


Blade's Edge Mountains (65-68) Hellfire Peninsula (58-63) Nagrand (64-67) Netherstorm (67-70)
Shadowmoon Valley (67-70) Shattrath City (Neutral City) Terrokar Forest (62-65) Zangarmarsh (60-64)



Class Equipment

Warrior Paladin Hunter Shaman Rogue Druid Priest Mage Warlock
Cloth Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Leather Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mail Yes Yes At 40 At 40
Plate At 40 At 40
Shield Yes Yes Yes
Fist Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
1H Mace Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2H Mace Yes Yes w/Talent Yes
1H Sword Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2H Sword Yes Yes Yes
1H Axe Yes Yes Yes Yes
2H Axe Yes Yes Yes w/Talent
Polearm At 20 At 20 At 20
Dagger Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Staff Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wand Yes Yes Yes
Gun Yes Yes Yes
Bow Yes Yes Yes
Crossbow Yes Yes Yes
Thrown Yes Yes Yes
Duel Wield At 20 At 20 w/Talent At 10
Parry At 6 At 8 At 8 At 12


Blood Elves
Night Elves


Primary Collection Secondary
Alchemy Herbalism Cooking
Blacksmithing Mining Fishing
Enchanting Skinning FirstAid

Beta Market Prices

WOW Servers

There are many WOW Servers with different type of playing styles (PVP,PVE or Normal,and RP) and on different timezones. Character transfers are available on various realms at various times.

US Servers

Listing of US Servers with type, time zone, pop by Stellarbuff

EU Servers

Listing of EU Servers with type, time zone by Stellarbuff

China Servers

Korea Servers