Talissa skill guide 2

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Revision : 1.05 Date : 28-09-2007 23h40 Created by : Talissa

Copyright 2007 Sylvia Massicotte

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General Note on Power costs. All power costs were taken at lvl 1. So this means that by the time you get them they WILL be more expensive. The value given here is to give you an estimate of what it would cost were you to find that skill on an item at lvl 1.

[b][u][size=3]Mind Power skills[size=2][/size][/size][/u][/b]

[b]General category comments :[/b] This group covers your utility spells, healing, getting more power , elemental defense, etc. Like usual, some will like it some won't. I personnaly make great use of certain skills in combination with each other. Afterlife goes great with Bloodlink, which is currently in no category as of writing this guide. In the middle of combat it is very easy to heal your minion and then replenish your health with this skill, as your various pets will quickly generate corpses. Do mind the fire imps, as they will burn the corpses and leave nothing for afterlife more often then not.

Afterlife : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] Draining the remnants of life energy from nearby corpses reinvigorates the Cabalist. Each drained corpse heals 17 health. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 35.0 [b]Ranks:[/b] up to 10 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Rate of use: Every 20.0 seconds [b]Comments :[/b] As mentioned previously, this makes a very strong combo with Bloodlink and Blood Surge, as it either keeps your minion alive or replenishes your mana pool. Invest at least 2 points early on if you wish to take the linked skills in this line, you have until lvl 10 to do this. [/indent]

Blood Surge : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] By channeling the dark powers through the Summoner's veins, health is exchanged for arcane power. 25% Health is consumed [b]Ranks:[/b] up to 7 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character level: 10, Afterlife: Rank 2 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Power increased by 100% of Health used. [b]Comments :[/b] This is the power to replenish your mana pool. Reasons to take this skill will vary greatly depending on playstyles, but 2 major reasons would be either you depend on a very low mana pool and/or high power expenditure, or you wish to take Blink. If the later, you only need 1 point in Blood Surge to open Blink. Just press the button you assigned the skill to and hold it pressed. When your mana pool is filled up release the button. [/indent]

Drain Life : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] The Cabalist heals by draining away the life of healthy foes. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] While focused on an enemy, costs 4 power per second. [b]Ranks:[/b] up to 7 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character level: 10, Afterlife: Rank 2 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Replenishes xx health per enemy per second. [b]Comments :[/b] THis skill, when used properly is your 1 way ticket to full health. Just press the healing key, hold it until you are full. No drawbacks at all, the more enemies are fighting you? The faster you heal. Though if you, like me, use it with just clicking once and and release it, you will die of a quick painful death. Just aim at targets, keep the red beams aimed and that's all there is to this skill [/indent]

Brom's Curse : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] An ancient curse is called upon the Cabalist's enemies that restores a small amount of life to all who attack the marked foes. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 25.0 [b]Range :[/b] 15.0 meters [b]Rate of use :[/b] every 2.0 seconds [b]Ranks:[/b] up to 7 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character level: 20, Drain Life Rank: 2 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Attackers heal 8% of their Health per hit. Effect lasts for 10 seconds. [b]Comments :[/b] Many have downplayed this skill because it was bugged in previous versions. BUT, as of version 1.03 this skill now heals a great amount of hit points per hit, not per kill as it was previously. Also this is one of the RARE skills that will let your group heal themselves by killing mobs. Its a form of group drain life skill. Love it, take it, max it. Minimum skill to invest would be 2 points if you want Elemental drain. [/indent]

Blink : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] The Cabalist momentarily passes through the nether realm, instantly traveling several meters in our world. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 20.0 [b]Ranks:[/b] up to 10 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character level: 25, Blood Surge Rank: 1 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Rate of use: every 20.0 seconds [b]Comments :[/b] Though its not a mind power as of writing this guide, I listed it here as its linked to Blood Surge. Though I haven't had the chance to use it yet, I can see the use of this skill as too many times I was cornered and killed. I would suggest investing 1 point if you can at the very least, it will more then once save your life. Though, word of Fear comes much quicker then this. So, if you take Blink only for this purpose, consider taking Word of Fear instead. I will revisit the skill once I had a chance to actually use it. [/indent]

Elemental Drain : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] The Cabalist taps the core essence of the enemy, adopting its ability to withstand elemental attacks. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 50.0 [b]Range :[/b] 20.0 meters [b]Rate of use :[/b] every 5.0 seconds [b]Ranks:[/b] up to 5 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character level: 30, Brom's Curse Rank: 2 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Elemental defenses increased by 60%, Target's elemental defenses decreased by 25%. [b]Comments :[/b] You increase your elemental defenses, and reduce that of the enemies caught by this skill. What more can I say passed that I haven't used the skill yet, but many uses can be done of this skill. Again I will need to revisit this skill once I had the chance to try it. [/indent]

Word of Fear : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] Uttering this command causes demons surrounding the Cabalist to flee in terror. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 25.0 [b]Range :[/b] 20.0 meters [b]Rate of use :[/b] every 5.0 seconds [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character level: 5 [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 10 [b]Comments :[/b] This is a much cheaper and easier skill to take if you want something to get you out of a cornered situation. Though bosses and nameds will most often have a certain level of resistance to fear. Then, in those situations, Blink becomes invaluable as monster's have no way of countering it. [/indent]

Elemental Nova : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] (Its currently listed as being a Mind Power, though I suspect its a bug and will be corrected in a later patch.). The Summoner taps into the core energy binding the elementals to this world and unleashes it in an explosive torrent. Each elemental deals 100% of its normal elemental attack damage to all enemies within 6 meters. special effect attack increased by 100%. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 40.0 [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 10 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character level: 20 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Rate of use: every 40.0 seconds [b]Comments :[/b] Having had a chance to use this skill due to an item, I can comment on this. This skill is devastating if you have a large amount of minions. I downed level bosses by a large percentage of their hit points with 3 fire elementals, 1 Spectral elemental and 1 Force elemental. I strongly suggest investing at least 1 point for those nasty though to kill bosses. Its also a fantastic AoE weapon, though one with a mind of its own that will tend to split appart before exploding (elementals like to attack anything that moves and will tend to follow them). So using this skill requires a certain tactical approach, as you will want your elementals to regroup on your desired target/area. Note that you need to invest at least 1 point in this if you want Master of the Elements. [/indent]

[b][u][size=3]Elemental skills[size=2][/size][/size][/u][/b]

[b]General category comments :[/b] This group represent a large portion of your fire power, though they die VERY fast. If you intend to use these, be ready to resummon them very often, so I suggest placing them on keys you can use very rapidly (keys 1 to 5 comes to mind as they are close by. Also remember that each elemental you summon removes Power from your total maximum power pool. So investing in Elementals involves heavy investments in willpower.

Summon Fire Elemental : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] Conjures an elemental creature of fire to fight for the Summoner. Reduces Summonner's power pool by 15.0 [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 16.0 [b]Rate of use :[/b] every 3.0 seconds [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 10 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Summon 1 Fire Elemental [b]Comments :[/b] This is your basic fire damage. It comes in packs and is upgradable with Master of the Flame. Its a very good investment throughout the game. If nothing else, I suggest taking at least a few imps and cranking them as much as possible with Master of the Flame. I personnaly like to either do a 1 of each type of elemental build or a build with lots of Fire Elementals accompanied with 1 from another type of damage in case I encounter a mob immune/resistant to fire. Though its a personnal taste and thus not an absolute truth. Though it doesn't say it on the skill, Master of the Flames is useless if you don't have fire elementals. To my knowledge 1 point in fire elemental is required to unlock this skill. [/indent]

Master of the Flames : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] Having dscovered the true secret of Brimstone, the Summoner empowers Fire Elementals to do even more damamge. [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 10 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character level: 5, Fire Elemental rank: 1 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Fire Elemental damage increased by 10% [b]Comments :[/b] If you want fire elementals, take it, love it, max it if you can afford the points. This is a direct investment into your DPS. [/indent]

Summon Spectral Elemental : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] Conjures an elemental creature from the spectral plane to fight for the Summoner. Reduces Summoner's Power pool by 35. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 35.0 [b]Rate of use :[/b] every 3.0 secondes [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 10 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character level: 10 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] TBD [b]Comments :[/b] I will need to revisit this skill, as it doesn't display the effects of having ranks in it at level 1. Though from memory it increases chance to phase. This imp is very good, it has a strong chance to phase creatures and its attack is an PBAoE one. Nuf said. If you like the concept go for it, I usually pretty much have him around all the time, though he is a bit costly on your max power. [/indent]

Summone Force Elemental : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] Conjures an elemental creature of physical force to fight for the summoner. Reduces Summoner's Power pool by 40 [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 40.0 [b]Rate of use :[/b] every 3.0 seconds [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 10 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character level: 15 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Summone 1 Earth Elemental [b]Comments :[/b] Though I haven't had the chance to invest more then 1 point in this skill, I have at least tried it. On one side it does increase your general DPS, but on the other side, it does physical damage. And as with most games, physical damage is widly resisted. It has to mainly go through shields and Armor in this situation. So, the effect suggesting that you can have more then 1 of those, if you want them I'd suggest taking several as it will outweight its disadvantages. YMMV. [/indent]

Storm Elemental : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] Conjures an elemental creature of storms to fight for the Summoner. This elemental is especially potent against flying enemies. Reduces Summoner's Power pool by 30. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 30.0 [b]Rate of use :[/b] every 3.0 seconds [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 10 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character level: 20 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Summone 1 storm elemental. [b]Comments :[/b] Again, its a skill I haven't used at all yet, but it also indicates that more then one is possible. Also, electrical damage is very potent in this game, besides doing damage it also damages shields very rapidly and has a good chance of locking all skill usage down. On a proc, it basically prevents the target from using any of its skills. So those elementals are your friends. [/indent]

Summon Toxic elemental: [indent] [b]Description :[/b] Conjures an elemental creature of plague to fight for the Summoner. Reduces Summoner's power Pool by 25. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 25.0 [b]Rate of use :[/b] every 3.0 seconds [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 10 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character level: 25 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Summone 1 Toxic Elemental [b]Comments :[/b] Again, its a skill I haven't used at all yet, but it also indicates that more then one is possible. All I can say is that Toxic damage is highly unresisted across the board and one of the strongest damage type. Some level bosses literally get paralysed by certain toxic weapons (nope not revealing who and what weapon, gotta keep a few secrets ). [/indent]

Master of the Elements : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] Tapping into the Well of Darkness has given the Summoner a better understanding of the powers of the elements, facilitating their conjuring. [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 5 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character level: 30, Master of the Elements Rank: 1 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Elemental summoning power cost decreased by 10%. Elemental Power pool reduction decreased by 10%. [b]Comments :[/b] If you are doing an elemental build, then take it, love it (no marry it actually ;) ), max it asap. It will make your life MUCH MUCH easier all accross the board, less costly elementals to summon and maintain means more elementals out at once, means more dps. Very simple mathematical equation. [/indent]

[b][u][size=3]Minion skills[size=2][/size][/size][/u][/b]

[b]General category comments :[/b] What you will put in this category varies as much as that of Elementals, various builds can be created here for various purposes and gameplay styles. So my word in it is not golden in anyway, just meant to guide you in your choices. Some will take nothing here and concentrate on elementals, some will take no elementals and invest on Minions heavily , taking out the one they want depending on the situation. While some will take a mix of the two. This last build is the one most people take, 1 carnagor for tanking purposes, and several imps. No build is wrong, especially if it works for you. This is where the customization starts for the Summoner. Also, if you take a mix of Elementals and minions, remember that once all your elementals are out you may not have enough power to summon your minion. Therefore always keep this in mind when either allocating stat points or summoning all your pets. I usually summon him first. If he dies, then if I have too many elementals on the field I'll unsummon a few starting with the spectral elemental as he is the most expensive one.

Summoning circle : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] The Summoner focuses the dark energies of the netherworld through an arcane symbol of power, granting minions increased fortitude [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 10 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character level: 15, Blood Link Rank: 3 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Health of minions increased by 15%. [b]Comments :[/b] If you want ANY minion at all, take it, love it, max it. [/indent]

Summon Carnagor : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] Conjures a fierce Carnagor, binding it to the Summoner. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 40.0 [b]Range :[/b] 20.0 meters [b]Rate of use :[/b] every 20.0 seconds [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] TBD, description at rank 1 is not provided. [b]Comments :[/b] This is your basic Tank pet and is available right from the start. Most people will be tempted into taking him for at least 1 point. Though there is a catch. The more points you put into this skill, the more effecient he gets at his job. And this is true for any minion. If you don't intend to keep this guy, its easy to ignore him until later on. Though expect to die a few times, as if all your imps die you're the next target and it hurts a lot... [/indent]

Summon witch doctor : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] The Summoner binds a Witch Doctor, commanding it to augment and heal summoned elementals and allies. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 50.0 [b]Rate of use :[/b] every 20.0 seconds [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 10 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character level: 10 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] TBD, description at rank 1 is not provided. [b]Comments :[/b] The Witch Doctor is cool to look at but up till now its really hasn't seen a lot of love from the players. It heals and buffs, whatever it feels like healing and usually its you and not the others. If you intend to group a lot and your group has sufficent tanking and dps in it, consider this pet and invest heavily into it. It will be one of the rare heals/buffs your group will have... If your minion feels like doing its job correctly that is. Though I can see a skilled player making great use of this minion with its accompanying skills, Hand of Nostrum and Dominate. This REALLY is a YMMV minion. [/indent]

Summon Warper : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] The summoner enslaves a Warper, binding it to fight against its vile brethren. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 60.0 [b]Rate of use :[/b] every 20.0 seconds [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 10 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character level: 20 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] TBD, description at rank 1 is not provided. [b]Comments :[/b] This pet has been rebalanced damage wise in this build, though no one has cried nerf, or complained that the pet is useless now. So I will go with my experiences of the 1.03 version. This pet has a good amount of health points, and sustains combat well. The reason is simple and threefold. One, it warps a lot. 2, its damage is very good (I personally consider it insane compared to anything else the summoner can summon. ). Third, things die before they can actually kill this guy. Oh and it sometimes phases enemies too. Couple this with healing him and its boost skills (Spellstorm and Spectral Strike) and you've got a very lethal friend by your side (when he isn't warping around that is). [/indent]

Summon Reaper : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] The Summoner calls forth a lesser demon lord. The dark creature cannot be bound to this plane and will return to the underworld after a short amount of time. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 100.0 [b]Rate of use :[/b] every 300.0 seconds [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 10 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character level: 30 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Reaper is bound to the woldly plane for 20 seconds [b]Comments :[/b] AH! The Summon to end all summons. Not much is known about it, and one can only speculate for now. Besides looking extremely cool and uber besides you, nothing useful can be said for now. So, I will certainly revisit this skill once more info is out. But hey ! We never have enough cool pets with us :P [/indent]

[b][u][size=3]Minion Commands skills[size=2][/size][/size][/u][/b]

[b]General category comments :[/b] If you are going to make a Minion based build, you can't pass at least the skills related to your favorite minion in this line. If you make a minion only build (bypassing elementals), then you will be investing heavily on these. All these skills require at least 1 point in the corresponding minion.

Meat Shield : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] The Summoner commands the Carnagor minion to grow in size, hold its ground, and provoke the unholy aggression of the enemy. Lasts for 10 seconds. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 50.0 [b]Rate of use :[/b] every 30.0 seconds [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 7 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character Level: 5, Summon Carnagor Level 2 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Tbd, as the effects are not specified at rank 1. [b]Comments :[/b] This skill turns your carnagor into a formidable powerhouse. I've seen him literally shred Shulgoth to pieces with this skill (tested intentionally). Only drawback is that it is on a 30 seconds cooldown. But you really can't pass this up if you want a carny, its a must. [/indent]

Enrage : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] Focusing attention on a single target, the Summoner fills the Carnagor with dark rage, causing the beast to grow bigger, stronger and faster. Carnagor Movement Speed increased by 100%. Effect lasts for 10 seconds. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 50.0 [b]Rate of use :[/b] every 30.0 seconds [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 7 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character Level: 5, Summon Carnagor Level 2 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Carnagor damage increased by 60% [b]Comments :[/b] Though I haven't tested this skill yet and will need to revisit it, if Meat Shield is any indication of its power, its gonna be a very good skill. [/indent]

Hand of Nostrum : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] The Summoner enchants the Witch Doctor minion with a great mystic regenerative spell. Lasts for 20 seconds. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 40.0 [b]Rate of use :[/b] every 30.0 seconds [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 7 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character Level: 15, Summon Witch Doctor Level 3 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Witch Doctor gains 1 beam(s) to its healing spell. [b]Comments :[/b] This is what will make group healing easier, in that it will heal many players/pets per casting. IF you are taking the Witch Doctor for this purpose, I strongly suggest investing in this skill a lot. [/indent]

Dominate : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] The Summoner orders the Witch Doctor minion try to take over the mind of an enemy demon. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 30.0 [b]Rate of use :[/b] every 30.0 seconds [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 7 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character Level: 15, Summon Witch Doctor Level 3 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Tbd, as the effects are not specified at rank 1. [b]Comments :[/b] Remember when I said that a skilled player could make a great build? Its because of this skill mainly. Though not for the starting player, a skilled player can make a great playstyle with this, possess a powerful monster in a batch, kill everything with it and then kill that monster. Though this is only theory as I haven't had the chance to try this and making it to level 15 without a carny is not something everyone cares to do. [/indent]

Spell Storm : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] The Summoner commands the Warper minion to unleash a multitude of arcane spells, devastating as many enemies as possible. Lasts for 10 seconds. [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 75.0 [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 7 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character Level: 25, Summon Warper Level 3 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Phase attack Strength increased by 100%. Rate of use: every 30.0 seconds. [b]Comments :[/b] Nothing is currently known about this skill as its passed the current level cap. Though judging by the description it can be very powerful. I will of course revisit this skill when I have had a chance to use it. [/indent]

Spectral strike : [indent] [b]Description :[/b] The Summoner commands the Warper minion to use its dark powers to assail a single enemy. Lasts for 10 seconds [b]Power cost at level 1 :[/b] 75.0 [b]Rate of use :[/b] every 30.0 seconds [b]Ranks :[/b] up to 7 [b]Prerequs :[/b] Character Level: 25, Summon Warper Level 3 [b]Effect at rank 1 :[/b] Damage radius increased by 15%. Damage increased by 15%. [b]Comments :[/b] It can not be said enough that spectral damage can be devastating in this game, the target of it, when phased, takes double damage and deals half damage. OF course, this will be revisited once I can find info on it or when I've actually used it. [/indent]