Hellgate: London

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Revision as of 09:25, 8 March 2007 by Jugalator (talk | contribs) (SQL errors on article updates)
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Welcome to the Basin's Hellgate: London Wiki!

This wiki is a collaboration effort by many community members, and any member can help out by registering a user here with a valid e-mail address (we won't spam you, and it helps greatly if there's user problems). Interested in how to use this wiki and contributing? Check out the WikiFAQ or the thread on our Hellgate: London forums!

For the background story to Hellgate: London, see our Hellgate: London Storyline, based on information given in the special "Issue #0" of the official Hellgate: London comic book by Dark Horse Comics.

You can also use this Wiki to find various pre-release information.

SQL errors on article updates

Sometimes, unfortunately quite often, we have currently trouble with SQL update queries made as you create or update articles in this wiki. The error messages will look something like this:

A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was: (SQL query hidden) from within function "SearchUpdate::doUpdate". MySQL returned error "1016: Can't open file: 'searchindex.MYI' (errno: 145) (localhost)".

Although these messages can be reported as a site and forum issue, you can safely ignore them and simply click on the "Article" tab when you receive that message, and you should be able to confirm that your changes indeed got applied. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. :-p

Guild Information

The Basin's Hellgate: London guild is maintained by a crew of administrators and guild officers. Currently, the guild administrator is TPJ, also founder of The Amazon Basin. The guild's officers are Jugalator and Laughing God.

The Good and Evil


  • Templar: General purpose holy warrior and protector.
Classes: Blademaster, Guardian.
  • Cabalist: Mystic practicing unholy demonic arts.
Classes: Unannounced.
  • Hunter: Stealthy sharpshooter with engineering skills.
Classes: Unannounced.

See also: class attributes.


The monsters of Hellgate: London belong to four categories, or castes: primus ("true demons"), spectrals, necros, and beasts. The demons are further divided into two ranks: Lesser and Greater Demons.

Quick Navigation: Black Skull, Blade Minion, Blade Servant, Blood Angel, Blood Baron, Blood Zombie, Carnagor, Crested Stalker, Cursed Fellbore, Darkspawn Diabolist, Darkspawn Scout, Darkspawn Sniper, Darkspawn Trooper, Elemental, Exospector, Fellbore, Fetid Hulk, Flesh Eater, Flesh Golem, Gatekeeper, The, Grave Lurker, Gremlin Diabolist, Gremlin Scout, Gremlin Sniper, Gremlin Trooper, Grotesque, Imp Diabolist, Imp Scout, Imp Sniper, Imp Trooper, Maggot Spawners, Minion, Morpho Jr., Netherlord, Nightmare, Orbile, Ravager, Reaper, Schrieker, Shock Minion, Shock Servant, Shulgoth, Siege Fiend, Shock Husk, Soul Reaper, Spectral Fury, Stalker, Winged Imp, Zombie, ...


Melee Weaponry

There are several kinds of damage, and melee and ranged weaponry alike can deal physical, fire, electric, spectral, and toxic damage.

Quick Navigation: Corrupt Blade, Cricket Bat, Firebrand, Hive Blade, Katana, Molten Edge, Negotiator, Shatterscythe, Shock Blade, Templar Broadsword, ...

Ranged Weaponry

The ranged weaponry is all about guns of various sizes, varying wildly in the damage they deal, as well as how it's dealt.

Quick Navigation: Arc Jumper, Beetlebore, Blaze Pistol, Blightcaster, Boneshredder, Cluster Rifle, Firefly, Firestarter, Flamecaster, Flash Banger, Grappler, Grenadier, Harp, Peacemaker, Plagueblaster, Rebounder, Scorcher, Shockwave, Slicer, Spark Rifle, Spike Bolter, Tempest Rifle, Trident Launcher, Viral Lance, Vulcan Bolter, Zeus Rifle, ...


Armor provides resistance to the different kinds of damage, along with shielding.

Quick Navigation: Defender Gauntlets, Templar Arms, ...


Mods let a player upgrade and enhance items in various ways.

Quick Navigation: Ammo Clips, Battery Packs, Fuel Tanks, Relics, Rockets, Techs, ...

Areas and Questing


Defeating the demon invasion is not done easily. There's plenty of work to do.

  • Quests: Quests are part of the overall storyline of the game.
  • Missions: Random tasks you receive from NPC's.
  • Chance events: These events are randomly generated and rare.


Many characters inhabit the world to help you in your cause.

Quick Navigation: Apprentice Hart, Bodger, Brother Gerard, Commander Brandon, Commander Patrick Sumerisle, Doctor Salus, Guardian Glynnia, Jessica, Knight Althair, Knight Shin, Lil'Joe aka Wart, Major Lyra Darius, Master Crowe Jane, Master Shiva, Murmur, Sabriel, Saul Petrus, Sergeant Brother Grimm, Zedekiah Grayle, ...


The game world forms a large network of areas.

Quick Navigation: Bloomsbury, Covent Garden Market, Covent Garden Service Line, Covent Garden Station, Leicester Square Line, Leicester Square Station, Northern Line, The British Museum, The City, The Sewers, The Tubes, Underground Stations, Underneath London, ...

Useful Links